who is not inferior to men, and is much better than her incompetent husband.

who is not inferior to men, and is much better than her incompetent husband.

who is not inferior to men, and is much better than her incompetent husband.
It’s a pity that she met the more cunning Wen Liang and could only fail miserably!
After hanging up the phone, Wen Liang found the security minister and told him everything that happened. The Qingzhou godfather was dumbfounded and allowed him to dwell in the city, but he never expected that he would be involved in such a far-reaching political struggle, so he panicked for a moment. Wen Liang patted him on the shoulder, indicating that everything was still under control and it was no big deal.
An Baoqing once again felt the unfathomable depth of Wen Liang, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. The gap between the two was really getting farther and farther!
Leaving Ye Zhiwei and Fan Bo on standby in the company, Wen Liang and An Baoqing drove to the county committee with Viper. Fortunately, Fu Minzhi also knew that the tea farmers incident was detrimental to his election campaign, so he was still listening to Zhao Xiaoquan’s work report in the office so late.
As soon as Wen Liang walked in, Fu Minzhi said happily: “Mr. Wen, come and take a look. Mayor Zhao has already agreed with Donghe Village on the articles of association of the cooperative. If there are any flaws, we can modify them while discussing!”
/Zhao With a smile on his face, Xiaoquan stood up and nodded to Wen Liang and An Baoqing.
Wen Liang whispered a few words into his ear. Fu Minzhi’s face changed drastically. He looked at Wen Liang almost in disbelief. His voice trembled slightly and he said, “Where did you get the news? I, I” “Don’t worry
about where I came from. According to the news, quickly take Zhao Xiaoquan to the city to find your superiors to report the progress of the Donghe Village incident. Otherwise, when Zhang Jiangan’s dirty information is presented to the Standing Committee tomorrow, even if you can remedy it, there will be many disadvantages.”
Fu Minzhi Of course, he was not an idiot who could get to this point. He was suddenly enlightened and without thinking about whether Wen Liang’s news was true or false, he grabbed the information from Zhao Xiaoquan’s hand and hurriedly rushed out the door.
/Zhao Xiaoquan was dumbfounded. He didn’t know why Wen Liang said a few words to Fu Minzhi and made the top leader of Wujiang run away like his butt was on fire.
“Mayor Zhao, what are you still doing? Hurry up and follow me. Your chance to get promoted and make a fortune is here!”
For a wretched guy like Zhao Xiaoquan, what could be more exciting to him than the words “promoted and made a fortune”? He said “Ah” and ran out quickly without asking what happened. The speed was simply out of proportion to his size.
Now that Fu Minzhi has been reminded that he has help from the province, there should be no major problems in the internal fighting in the city. It’s just that cooperatives are certainly an excellent idea, but if Zhang Jiangan insists on it, since there is no precedent before, it will inevitably lead to confusion.
The most urgent thi

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