my grandparents They rarely have conflicts.”

my grandparents They rarely have conflicts.”

my grandparents They rarely have conflicts.”
“Well, the word “release” is a good one, I like it. How do you know that your father didn’t have any sexual relations before marrying your mother? You weren’t even born at that time. Do you know the style of the fraternity? How could you hold back when attending that kind of party? Maybe you still have a younger brother or sister outside, so it’s okay to be a little wild when you’re young. Just don’t play around after you get married.”
I immediately thought about Gabriel, blaming him for bringing up this thought.
Han Xuan raised his middle finger at him. He was very concerned about Gabriel’s words. He thought about his father’s other girlfriends when he was young. Then he thought further. The picture was too beautiful to look at, and his father had no clothes on.
The mother and daughter played by Siu Si and Roberts are the owners of Jigglypuff in the movie, and they love him very much.
But one night, a pair of thieves who wanted to catch Jigglypuff and sell it to a rich woman who loved him, and rob his chest of emeralds worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, quietly came to the door.
This is the plot at the beginning of the film.
So we put new wine in old bottles, interspersed with many funny stories, and added Jigglypuff to create new ideas on the old story frame.
After a long day of work, everyone was tired, so I filmed the scene where the thief came to the door for a little while and then paused it to continue filming tomorrow night.
Han Xuan asked people to rent a grill and buy some charcoal. He also went to the small SOS supermarket in Malibu to buy a variety of vegetables, fruits and meat suitable for barbecue, and gathered together to hold a barbecue party on the beach.
Eating is probably the easiest way to promote mutual affection. People will relax and be more receptive to strangers when eating.
At the beginning, the crew members were still a little restrained. They drank a few glasses of wine and a few pieces of meat. After introducing themselves to each other, everyone relaxed. All kinds of laughter and chatter came from the beach
. The smell of barbecue was so fragrant. With the sea breeze, It spreads and attracts nearby residents to come to the balcony.
Then, a family of three that they didn’t know came over to visit, bringing red wine, and then joined in half-heartedly.
In addition to the rich man, there were also some maids and male servants who came after receiving the news, bringing all kinds of meat and wine. They liked this kind of excitement.
/The barbecue equipment rental shop didn’t have enough charcoal, so I split a piece of dead dry pine wood that drifted from nowhere. The wood was rich in grease and occasionally crackled and exploded with sparks when it burned. Fatty didn’t dare to get too close for fear of burning himself. Furry
George’s bodyguard said: “Hey, do you know? Country singer Mr. Denver died in a plane crash a few days ago. I remember a passenger plane crashed in South Korea a few months ago. It was re

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