rol that they used to feel was restrictive. Get up.

rol that they used to feel was restrictive. Get up.

rol that they used to feel was restrictive. Get up.
For example, several of Wang Bo’s classmates, Xue Fei, Huang Liang, and Tu Yunliang, were very grateful and grateful to the school for this kind of only-in, no-out control during the more than a month of closure of the school.
Wang Bo’s rebirth cannot shake the world. The environment cannot change the general trend of history, and he is not that idle. However, there are too many changes to the people close to him, and some changes are enough to affect a person’s life.
Huang Liang and Tu Yunliang , Said that the two of them were also sincerely grateful for the closed management of the school. A group of young, young, mature men and women, both physically and mentally, were trapped in one place for a long time, getting along day and night, under the stimulation of hormones. Under the circumstances, it is easy to fall in love over time and fall in love with each other.
While Huang Liang and Jiang Xiaojuan were getting together, Tu Yunliang finally ended his single career and got married to a girl named Wang Hong in the same grade, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. Wang Hong is a tall girl with a cheerful and lively personality. The face is big and round, and as the name suggests, the cheeks on both sides are often as red as red apples.
/Wang Hong was also a girl who impressed Wang Bo very much. She had an affair with Tu Yunliang in her previous life, but it was only when they graduated from college and were admitted to graduate school that they broke through the relationship of good friends and got together. The thing that impressed Wang Bo the most was that Tu Yunliang often complained to them in a smug tone, saying that Wang Hong was very annoying and that his (fishing) ambitions were greater than his own. Every time he came to see him, he had to go through a lot of trouble. In the middle of the night, I won’t stop until I squeeze him dry. Despite this, Wang Hong is still a very good person. Every time he comes, he not only helps him wash a pile of stinky socks and stinky inner library, but also cleans their doghouse-like graduate dormitory. He also buys him a lot of things. There is always a big bag of delicious food, various fruits, instant noodles, biscuits, etc.
Every time I hear Tu Yunliang talk about Wang Hong, everyone is very happy and laughs. It’s a pity that like many student lovers, the love between the two disappeared after they graduated from graduate school, and they parted ways.
Seeing his roommates getting divorced one after another and getting married, Wang Bo finally felt relieved, feeling that his rebirth was not completely bad luck for his friends around him, but it had finally contributed to or He said that he had precipitated some fate that he regretted in his previous life.
The breakup of Wei Shousong and Zhang Wei, and the tragedy of Huang Liang and Luo Lin that ended before it even started, were not his fault, although even without him, the two lovers would not have had any results according to the historical trajectory of the

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