are only about six hours a day, but the salary is higher than that of cowboys at Snow Mountain Ranch. However, if annual dividends are included, the salary is not as high as that of cowboys.

are only about six hours a day, but the salary is higher than that of cowboys at Snow Mountain Ranch. However, if annual dividends are included, the salary is not as high as that of cowboys.

are only about six hours a day, but the salary is higher than that of cowboys at Snow Mountain Ranch. However, if annual dividends are included, the salary is not as high as that of cowboys.
He had seen the income and expenditure statements of Gothe Manor over the past few years last night. Han Xuan could not have imagined that these roses, lavender, sunflowers, etc., could actually make so much money.
Those plants grow from the soil, and after deducting the labor management costs, it is the cost of processing and transportation, and the rest is pure profit.
Last year, including the sale of red wine, Manor Gaude made a full profit of 460,000 US dollars in francs. Don’t think this is a small number. Based on the area of ??Manor Gaude, the output of one acre is nearly US$5,000!
After learning from Butler Baptiste that Li Guangyao had purchased a batch of lavender essential oil refining equipment and sunflower seed oil pressing equipment for the manor, he felt that this number was normal, otherwise it would be too scary.
Since arriving in Provence, it has not rained yet and the weather has been sunny, and it is the same today.
It took Jigglypuff a few days to finally build a good relationship with the bull terrier. Unfortunately, the bull terrier had grown such a big head in vain, and after being made to cry stupidly a few times, Jigglypuff didn’t like playing with it anymore.
Han Xuan lay lazily on the haystack, lying side by side with Isabelle.
Surrounded by large fields of sunflowers, their flower disks neatly face east, casting long shadows on the grass.
Use Jigglypuff as a pillow, it’s plump and very comfortable to rest on.
The fat cat looked unhappy, but because his owner said he would give him bear biscuits when he got home, he reluctantly let him be arrogant for a while, and decided to take revenge by peeing in his shoes next time.
Thinking of this, he suddenly felt happy. His big tail swept around, strangely bent into the shape of a question mark, quite flexible.
The childish silly Pooh and silly Barry played hide and seek.
Both guys are bears with a keen sense of smell, and they are also lazy and don’t like to walk too far. Therefore, they played tirelessly for more than half an hour, and they were still tied. No matter where they hide, they can be found by the other.
They fell in love with this game after seeing the children of the farmer’s family playing on the manor. Jigglypuff was bullied by them several times and vowed never to play again. He also accepted the unchangeable fact that “he is a cat” and Feel melancholy.
Even the silly little Barry is better at finding things than he is. This is the source of Jigglypuff’s pain. He is not as good as him.
From the sunflower bushes, there is a slight rustling noise and the friction between leaves.
Han Xuan raised his head and saw a creature that was obviously a “British shrimp” walking out of the sunflower bushes.
/just kidding.
/British shrimps are actually British people. Because their skin cannot withstand sunlight and tur

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