Lin’s mind. She couldn’t bear it anymore. She took a step forward and hugged Wang Bo from behind.

Lin’s mind. She couldn’t bear it anymore. She took a step forward and hugged Wang Bo from behind.

Lin’s mind. She couldn’t bear it anymore. She took a step forward and hugged Wang Bo from behind.
The arrival of Han Lin made the two people sober up quickly. As soon as Wang Bo turned around, Han Lin was like a thirsty traveler, wrapping her arms around his neck and looking for a kiss from him. Wang Bo temporarily let go of Liao Xiaoqing and went to kiss Han Lin. From the girl’s initiative, he could feel that the other party couldn’t help herself.
Liao Xiaoqing saw Han Lin walking in. Although he was a little reluctant, he understood that it was Han Lin’s turn now, so he wanted to go out and “look out” for Han Lin just like Han Lin had “looked out” for her just now. This can be regarded as a tacit understanding of sharing with each other, just like that afternoon singing at KTV half a year ago.
However, as soon as she took a step forward, she was grabbed by Wang Bo. The boy abandoned Han Lin who was being kissed passionately, hugged her directly, touched the back of her neck with one hand, lowered his head, and kissed her again.
Liao Xiaoqing felt a sudden burst of joy, and within a few moments, the thought of leaving was melted into Wang Bo’s gentle kiss.
Seeing this, Han Lin on the side was stunned for a moment, and then felt miserable.
“Compared to Liao Xiaoqing, I am indeed dispensable.” She thought sadly.
/Han Lin wanted to run away and leave all her space and time to this pair of people who were “loving each other” All the secrets were revealed; and Wang Bo, can you find a cat in this world that doesn’t steal fish? Unless you are sexually//incompetent or incompetent!
Wang Bo is obviously not among them!
However, Han Lin quickly thought that compared to herself, Wang Bo liked his deskmate Liao Xiaoqing more, wasn’t it obvious? Didn’t you also have mental preparations for this? Wasn’t the original idea to let Liao Xiaoqing eat meat and pick up some soup to drink?
So, in this case, Wang Bo prefers Liao Xiaoqing, what is there to be sad and angry about? Taking a step back, even if Wang Bo liked Liao Xiaoqing, he would not be more fond of Liang Ya or Sun Li, nor would he really regard Liao Xiaoqing as his girlfriend. In this sense, he and Liao Xiaoqing are only half-hearted friends. Eight taels per catty, fifty steps envy a hundred steps.
As soon as her thoughts came through, Han Lin’s mentality became balanced. She is a proactive, bold and enterprising person. Since Wang Bo can’t take care of her for the time being, she can just “take care” of Wang Bo.
In the following time, Wang Bo took turns kissing the two girls. At first, he felt a little “embarrassed”. It’s not that he was not used to this aspect. He was an experienced driver. What he wasn’t used to was mainly with Han Lin and Liao Xiaoqing. He used to be one-on-one, but now he is one-on-two. He was afraid that two girls who had never even had boyfriends before would not be able to accept it and would feel aggrieved.
/However, after a few minutes, when he saw that the two girls were not leaving, and seemed to be completely caught up

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