tless celebrities, rich and powerful people in Chinese society have done. These people are undoubtedly the elite of society, the smartest group of people. They lead the way and serve as examples to demonstrate how to protect their wealth and life safety. All he has to do is follow and learn.

tless celebrities, rich and powerful people in Chinese society have done. These people are undoubtedly the elite of society, the smartest group of people. They lead the way and serve as examples to demonstrate how to protect their wealth and life safety. All he has to do is follow and learn.

tless celebrities, rich and powerful people in Chinese society have done. These people are undoubtedly the elite of society, the smartest group of people. They lead the way and serve as examples to demonstrate how to protect their wealth and life safety. All he has to do is follow and learn.
Of course, he did not immigrate himself, but asked his trusted relatives to immigrate, just like what some powerful and wealthy people do. He still has to stay here to make money and complete primitive accumulation. Otherwise, if he emigrates and earns nothing, he will be scolded by the 50 cents and angry youths as a traitor who forgets his ancestors!
Therefore, the only way to immigrate is to let your relatives do it and let them pave the way for you. He would not leave China unless he had to. The language, culture, food, and race determined that he would feel the greatest comfort and freedom only if he stayed among his compatriots. Just like the Chinese immigrants, most of them choose to stay in the Chinese community.
Wang Bo planned to let his god-sister Zeng Ping immigrate first, not to immigrate directly to Europe and the United States, but to move to Hong Kong first to explore the way. My English level is currently only at the level of saying hello. I can’t communicate with foreigners directly in Europe and America. It’s very boring. It’s a good time to immigrate to HK. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are still Chinese in the big framework. I can enjoy the various HK people in the mainland. to achieve benefits and avoid unnecessary harm. For example, if the godmother becomes a Hong Kong businessman, she will become a Hong Kong businessman when she returns to the mainland to invest and set up factories. Not to mention enjoying all the benefits of foreign investment, the local government will definitely welcome her in order to attract investment and decorate her own political achievements, and most people will not dare to mess with her. First-class foreigners, second-class officials, third-class minority people, and fourth-class Han people. This is a high-level summary of the privileges of the Chinese class, and one cannot help but believe it.
/In addition, whether it is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise or a joint venture with mainland businessmen, the profits earned can be easily converted into US dollars, and then the US dollar, the most valuable global currency, can be used to purchase properties globally. Unlike mainland enterprises, which have strict requirements There are currency exchange controls. It is okay to exchange a small amount of currency, but if the amount is large, don’t even think about it.
/Wang Bo explained to his god sister why he wanted his sister to immigrate to Hong Kong and why he wanted her to immigrate to Hong Kong. Zeng Ping has never thought about changing her nationality. Although Hong Kong has returned and she is still considered Chinese, after all, one country, two systems, and she has to apply for a pass to go to Hong Kong. In her eyes, it is no different from foreign countries. But

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