write and how would they write it? Wang Bo stubbornly asked everyone to think hard and then tell him, and then he would help one by one with ideas, ideas, supplements and improvements, and try to make them as brilliant as possible.

write and how would they write it? Wang Bo stubbornly asked everyone to think hard and then tell him, and then he would help one by one with ideas, ideas, supplements and improvements, and try to make them as brilliant as possible.

write and how would they write it? Wang Bo stubbornly asked everyone to think hard and then tell him, and then he would help one by one with ideas, ideas, supplements and improvements, and try to make them as brilliant as possible.
From the time he was reborn in 2015 to 2001, fourteen years later, Wang Bo would certainly not remember all the subjects in the college entrance examination, but there was only one thing he remembered very clearly, and that was the college entrance examination essay that year: an essay on the topic of “Integrity” , no restriction on style, no less than 800 words!
Wang Bo still remembers the content of the composition clearly. He made up a story with his deceased grandfather who participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea as the protagonist. The general idea is that my grandfather met a Korean woman during the war, and the two had a passionate affair and fell in love. Thanks to the heroic and fearless efforts of countless grandpas, who fought one after another and risked their lives, the American Japanese were driven away, the Korean people were gloriously liberated, and grandpa would also triumph gloriously wearing a big red flower. Before returning to China, my grandfather made a serious oath, promising that he would return to North Korea, marry her back to China, and become a Chinese wife. My grandpa who returned to China was labeled as a reactionary because of the Cultural Revolution. He was criticized and beaten, put on an iron cap, locked up in a cowshed, and was tortured mentally and physically. When he was rehabilitated, he was already a material creature. Right and wrong, the world has changed. Grandpa always remembered the promise he made back then, but the cruel reality could only make him break the promise. This also became a lifelong regret for my grandfather. Before he died, he kept looking northward, never forgetting the Korean girl. Wang Bo tried to express the sadness of small people and the fragility of love under the general trend of the world through his grandfather’s story, and also criticized the text/ge.
It is conceivable that this kind of love story with a long span of time and an even greater span of space can be completed in just 800 words? Wang Bo still remembers writing and writing, filling in all the boxes, even the blank spaces in the middle. In the end, he still didn’t finish writing, and when the bell rang, he couldn’t finish it. Then, naturally, it would be a tragedy.
Comedy makes you laugh, but tragedy will never be forgotten. This is why Wang Bo still remembers the title of the essay.
/Being a magician in public definitely involves a certain degree of risk, especially when everyone saw the title of the essay two days later and it was hard to explain. But Wang Bo can’t control that much anymore. In order to finally help these valuable friends, lovers , let the secret be revealed. When the time comes, continue to pretend to be a magic stick, talk about Guanyin’s dreams, immortals pat your brains, and let the strange powers and c

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