ck disrupted all plans. Han Xuan asked Assistant Jayton to cancel all his grandfather’s schedule for the next few days.

ck disrupted all plans. Han Xuan asked Assistant Jayton to cancel all his grandfather’s schedule for the next few days.

ck disrupted all plans. Han Xuan asked Assistant Jayton to cancel all his grandfather’s schedule for the next few days.
After watching the latest NHK TV news report, go out Breathe some fresh air, the sour smell of the bodyguards’ vomiting is really not good.
Irving stayed with his brother Lopez. From morning to now, his mood has calmed down, at least his life is not in danger.
Han Xuan went out and found his grandfather there. I called someone, and it sounded like the other person was from 20th Century Fox.
After he hung up, he asked, “What’s the matter, about “Titanic”? Short of money again? ”
No, they want to make a science fiction movie. The investment is too high and they are afraid of risks. They plan to bring me in to co-produce it. I haven’t agreed yet.” Guo
Muzhou took out a bento from the canteen and said, “This is the only one, so make do with it. You didn’t eat anything at noon.”
“Well, what movie? ”
/“Independence Day or something, I didn’t pay attention, it seemed like this was the name. ” Han
Xuan raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: “Independence Day”? This movie is not bad! I mean, the screenwriter has revealed part of the plot, which is about an alien invasion. This can be cast. ”
It can be said to be a rare good work, which influenced the interstellar science fiction films in the next twenty years.
“You mean I should invest?
“The subject matter is very interesting, you can try it. ” By the way, I remember reading a story called “Men in Black” in a comic before. Maybe you can try to buy the adaptation rights. It’s also about aliens, which is pretty good. ”
Guo Muzhou nodded, “Okay, I’ll get in touch later. “Independence Day” is expected to invest 80 million US dollars, and 20th Century Fox wants me to invest 30 million. Recently, the movie “Desert Island Survival” starring Tom is about to be filmed. I am choosing an island, but I can’t find a suitable desert island for a while. ”
Then let’s go to the Maldives. The scenes are beautiful and can be used to promote my islands. Some of them have not yet been developed, so it is just right.” ”
On the bench outside the ward, an old man and a young man were sitting side by side, each holding a lunch box.
“Okay, let the director take a look. If appropriate, we will shoot it in the Maldives. Guo
Muzhou looked at his grandson and changed the subject:
“You’re not talking about going to the concert tonight. It seems like you can’t go today, right?” ”
Yes, Mr. Sakamoto, why are you here? ” ”
Han Xuan caught a glimpse of an old man walking out of the elevator door, followed by bodyguards. He put down his lunch box, stood up and said.
Sakamoto and Yanshi were holding a fruit basket in their hands and a bag in the other hand, but the bodyguards were empty-handed. .Whether
it’s just for show or not, just having this intention to visit is already very good.
“I took the liberty of coming here to disturb you and cause you trouble.” I think you guys haven’t eaten yet, so I brought you some food. Is Mr. Han okay? ”

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