are bugs!”

are bugs!”

are bugs!”
/“It’s so damn evil!”
” Destroying you has nothing to do with you!”
/“I need a piece of two-way foil for cleaning.”
“Don’t answer! Don’t answer!! Don’t answer!!!” (The popular “Say important things three times!” is said to be Comes from here.)
“Overthrow human tyranny, the world belongs to the Three-Body Problem”
“Give time to civilization, not time to civilization!”
“Weakness and ignorance are not the biggest obstacles to survival, arrogance is!” ”

Of course, that has nothing to do with Wang Bo, whose “fragrance disappears and jade is lost” and his soul is destroyed!
However, although “The Three-Body Problem” has been widely praised and praised by a large number of people inside and outside the circle, it is famous for its popularity, and because of the disdain among scholars, it has also received quite a lot of criticism and criticism. The writing style is poor and the characterization is weak. Flat, facial expression. In particular, the creation of several female characters, such as Zhuang Yan and Cheng Xin, has attracted countless people’s complaints, saying that Zhuang Yan is “completely silly, naive, naive, and whiter than a piece of paper.” ,” and Cheng Xin is “the invincible white lotus that makes people want to strangle it to death in the cradle, the super saint biao”. The portrayal of women is completely divorced from reality. It is just the wishful thinking and overly beautiful imagination of Liu Chixin, an old otaku who is huddled in Shanxi Niangziguan Hydropower Station and concentrates on technology. He has little contact with many women and does not understand women!
From the perspective of Wang Bo, a student with a semi-professional background in literature, many of these critics’ criticisms of “Liu Diangong” are of course based on scholarly ambitions, envy, jealousy, and nitpicking. , but frankly speaking, the writing style of the book “Three-Body” and the characterization in it are indeed much weaker than traditional writers like Mo Yan who rely on writing to make a living.
If “The Three-Body Problem” can maintain its super imagination, grand cosmic view, and include a large number of shocking science fiction details with sufficient hardness, and at the same time have the concise, full and exquisite writing style of traditional writers, then such a set of “The Three-Body Problem” What kind of waves will the emergence of this book set off in the entire Chinese literary world, and even the world’s literary world, and how much honor and benefit will it bring to Wang Bo personally?
Wang Bo, who is gearing up, is looking forward to this.
Throughout the morning, Wang Bo, who was far away from home, imagined the feasibility and necessity of “plagiarizing” “The Three-Body Problem”. He discovered that “The Three-Body Problem”, a masterpiece that is rare to be published in the science fiction world for a century, was simply tailor-made for a literary young man like him! If “The Three-Body Problem” relies on him, who has studied English and American literature for four ye

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