had always said that he wanted to be the leader of Lao Xia Chong, but he raised funds in the group (I also collected five yuan for him at the time). This guy raised about two hundred yuan, but in the end he didn’t give the money raised by book friends to the boss of Lao Xianchong. Instead, he used it to give out red envelopes to the girls’ group to top up the money. Especially the last thing about not keeping one’s word makes me a little reluctant to borrow it.

had always said that he wanted to be the leader of Lao Xia Chong, but he raised funds in the group (I also collected five yuan for him at the time). This guy raised about two hundred yuan, but in the end he didn’t give the money raised by book friends to the boss of Lao Xianchong. Instead, he used it to give out red envelopes to the girls’ group to top up the money. Especially the last thing about not keeping one’s word makes me a little reluctant to borrow it.

had always said that he wanted to be the leader of Lao Xia Chong, but he raised funds in the group (I also collected five yuan for him at the time). This guy raised about two hundred yuan, but in the end he didn’t give the money raised by book friends to the boss of Lao Xianchong. Instead, he used it to give out red envelopes to the girls’ group to top up the money. Especially the last thing about not keeping one’s word makes me a little reluctant to borrow it.
I am, how should I put it, a bit like Wang Bo, a pig’s trotter. I am a person who is particularly reluctant to borrow money from others, but it is difficult for others to say no when they ask me to borrow money. In my memory, I have only refused loans from classmates to buy a house, because the amount was too large and completely beyond my ability.
Although this guy “Sky of Love” has a questionable character, it is one moment after another. If he really loses his wallet now, then I am really worried that he will be unable to escape because of this, and he will have no place to sleep in the bridge hole at night. He also said well at that time that he would return it to me immediately after returning home.
There was not much money, and he was in urgent need, so I could afford it, so I thought, borrow it. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. What if someone really needs these two hundred yuan for relief? When you go out, a penny can’t help a heroic man. Just learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds.
/So I borrowed it.
Several netizens said that your money is probably wasted. I still disagree with it, thinking that they see people as too bad and worthless. From the moment “Sky of Love” told me that he had dropped his wallet, I had the experience of being at a loss for help after losing my wallet, and I immediately put myself into the dilemma that the other person might encounter, and prepared for the situation. He is worried and has human sympathy.
Today, April 9, five days after lending money to “Love Sky”, the other party still has not paid back the money. I felt a little strange. Because the other party said that his hometown is Wanzhou, Chongqing, and he lost his wallet in Wanzhou, so it only took him a few hours or a day to get home. The other party kept saying that he could pay me back when he got home, but five days later, there was still no movement.
Tonight, I opened QQ and found that a friend in the group said that “Love Sky” was borrowing money from him. The excuse was also “lost wallet”, but the place where the wallet was lost changed from “Wan/zhou” to “Wan/zhou”. “Beijing”.
At this time, I realized with hindsight: I was deceived!
It’s not over yet. I told the group about this, and many book friends said they had received money borrowing messages from this person. Some borrowed 200, some borrowed 500, some borrowed 1,000, some borrowed 2,000, etc. There are also book club groups, including other authors. According to everyone’s estimation, this is called “Sky of Love”, also called “Start Over”, and the deduction

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