ld be 20%, accounting for almost half of his shareholdings!

ld be 20%, accounting for almost half of his shareholdings!

ld be 20%, accounting for almost half of his shareholdings!
If Wang Bo sells 20% of his shares, he will only have 25.45% left. If the remaining four people each subscribe for 5%, their shareholdings in the Internet cafe will become Wang Bo 25.45%, Li Junhua 23.28%, Xue Tao 18.64%, Dong Zhen 18.64%, and Li Jing 13.09%. Although the two siblings are still the major shareholders, the gap between them and others is not that big. And the most important thing is that the combined shares of the two siblings are finally less than 50%, and they can no longer “dictate” and “cover the sky with one hand.”
/Xue Tao only hesitated for a moment, then nodded immediately, rolled his eyes at Dong Zhen, and said: “You have a great idea! I want 5% too!” Then he added, “I don’t want melon seeds!”
Li Junhua, Dong Zhen, Xue Tao One person subscribed for 5%, and only Li Jing remained.
Therefore, when Li Junhua said that Wang Bo was planning to transfer 20% of his shares, Li Jing was quite shocked and completely unbelievable! This stock is just like what Li Junhua analyzed just now. With a profit rate of 400%, it is completely a cash cow and a money printing machine! And this is just a guaranteed income. If you use the monthly dividends to reinvest and make money, the income will be even greater! Can Wang Boshe let this kind of original stock with unlimited potential make money by sitting on the ground?
/If it were her, she would definitely not be willing to give it up! Even 1% is unwilling to be sold, no matter how much money is given! The “Time and Space Tribe” has developed like this in just one month. The development blueprint that Wang Bo showed to everyone before was chaining. Who knew that in a year or two this Internet cafe would be so popular that it always has “good ideas” and “wonderful ideas” in its mind. How did the guy develop? Maybe it might develop into a big company in the future. 1% now will be a huge amount in the future. This is also the biggest reason why Li Jing, the smallest shareholder, has to try and “fight based on reason” at the risk of offending others and making her lose face! She is really optimistic about this business that makes money quickly and doesn’t require much worry!
But since Li Junhua said this in public, it was definitely not a joke. For Li Jing, in addition to disbelief, an emotion similar to shame emerged from her heart at the same time. Wang Bo didn’t drag her sister out to start a new business. Instead, he took out nearly half of his shares to appease everyone. But in fact, it was mainly because of the injustice in her heart. This really made her feel a little ashamed, and she felt like she was “having a villain’s heart.” The taste of “the belly of a gentleman”.
“Huahua, don’t ask anyone else to come in. I’ll subscribe for 5% too. When there are too many people, it’s hard to be united. It’s good for the few of us to be together. Even if we encounter some differences, everyone can discuss it. It’s okay if we can’t reach an agreement. They will tolerate each other for the sake of the over

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