mpics a year later.

mpics a year later.

mpics a year later.
He has become the FMVP, Yao Ming will be even stronger next season, Yi Jianlian entered the NBA many years earlier than in history and has been vigorously cultivated, and Wang Zhizhi, who is also playing well with the Warriors, plus people like Harris
. The Chinese men’s basketball team is definitely going to cause trouble in the Olympics!
With constant thoughts in his mind, Sun Hao entered the Mavericks draft room.
It was at this moment that he knew why Cuban had called him here.
This is, I want to listen to his opinion during the draft.
Sun Hao, a little unexpected.
But that’s not that strange.
Sun Hao has already won the FMVP, so Cuban’s view of him must be different from before.
In particular, if you think about it carefully, you will find that the Mavericks’ championship lineup has a lot to do with Sun Hao.
Bell came to the Mavericks because of Sun Hao, as did Bodilloga and Curry Sr.
Each of these three people’s contributions to the Mavericks’ championship journey was huge.
In other words, Sun Hao’s status in the Mavericks has become very high without even realizing it.
Of course, something Sun Hao didn’t know was that Nelson also recommended Sun Hao to Cuban before taking Annie to Europe.
In the contact between Old Nelson and Sun Hao, he has already felt that Sun Hao is a player with great insight and vision.
So a series of reasons prompted Sun Hao to appear here.
And Cuban only asked him to give an opinion, and he would not necessarily listen to him.
The draft has a draft team, and there are many factors to consider.
Sun Hao is basically aware of the situation in front of him, but he doesn’t feel that he can decide the team selection now.
So he just pretended to finish watching the draft.
The lottery picks are very different from those in history, but many of the choices outside the lottery are still the same as in history.
After all, Sun Hao has not been in the NBA for too long, and the butterfly effect is limited.
Several key players, David West went to the Hornets, Diaw also went to the Hawks, and Perkins was traded to the Celtics after being selected.
By the way, this season there has been a major head coaching change among the top players in the Eastern Conference.
The previously mentioned Brown went from the 76ers to the Pistons, and Carlisle went from the Celtics to the Pacers.
/Before the free market has even started, the east has already sent a signal of great turmoil.
Soon, the first-round draft came to the Mavericks.
Sun Hao also roughly knows the choices the Mavericks will make this year from the previous discussion.
Josh Howard.
One of the “Dallas Double Uglys” in history, “Little General” Johnson once believed that he was a forward with more development value than Nowitzki.
Howard is not bad in terms of physical talent and immediate combat ability. His strength is not to mention. He is a top swingman. He can be among the top ten or even top five small forwards in the league at his peak.
The reason why he fell to this p

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