e my own place to stay”.

e my own place to stay”.

e my own place to stay”.
Although the emergence of Sun Hao caused Nash to be traded to the Warriors, the Suns in history still appeared.
Moreover, D’Antoni and Nash have proven themselves with the Warriors, which is more reasonable than anything in history.
But in this case, Wang Zhizhi, who is used to playing next to Nash, would be a little embarrassed.
He still has one year of contract with the Warriors, and where he will go after that is a question.
When Sun Hao chatted with him, he naturally talked about joining the franchise.
Although he is in China, he is also paying attention to the Lakers’ signings.
After all, the current Lakers team feels a bit like the “Los Angeles Five” and is really short of players.
A spatial insider like Wang Zhizhi is very suitable to play with O’Neal.
It may be difficult to be a starter, but it is definitely enough to be a substitute.
While they were chatting, Sun Hao’s cell phone rang.
It was a message sent by Nelson, saying that Kupchak wanted his phone number and would contact him later.
Sure enough, after a while, there was a long-distance call from an unknown person.
Sun Hao picked up his phone and went outside the locker room.
/“Sun, this is Mitch. I’m really sorry. I’ve been so busy with the free market recently that I forgot to contact you first. On behalf of the Lakers, I now warmly welcome you to join. How is your national team training in China going?”
Kupchak is quite good at chatting. He apologized and showed concern, and he immediately narrowed the distance between him and Sun Hao.
After chatting for a while, Kupchak also revealed his intention.
“I want to hear your opinion on strengthening the team.”
Sun Hao was silent for a while after hearing this, which came a bit suddenly.
Fortunately, Kupchak quickly explained why.
After hearing this, Jordan and
Sun Hao couldn’t help but sigh. Drinking really ruined things.
But since Kupchak asked here, it is also an opportunity.
He was actually worried that he would not have a chance to use his “eyes in the sky” as a time traveler, so this call was an unexpected surprise.
“I think we should give priority to strengthening the strong forwards.”
Sun Hao expressed his thoughts.
His thinking is somewhat different from Kupchak’s.
Kupchak is the first to pick the shooter, so the outside will be given priority.
After all, there are very few inside shooters, and those who are are basically white and soft, which does not meet the requirements of the Lakers.
/But Sun Hao was thinking from O’Neal’s perspective.
Including that he will recruit Wang Zhizhi to go to the Lakers, which is the same idea.
O’Neal is 32 years old. In this year in history, he arrived with the Heat, and then began to enter a stage of frequent injuries and declining strength.
This has a lot to do with Pat Riley’s overtraining, but in fact an unavoidable problem is that O’Neal has indeed begun to decline.
In other words, if the Lakers want O’Neal to maintain their previous dominance, they must appropriately re

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