cost, and tried to help his grandma obtain a controlling stake in the group.

cost, and tried to help his grandma obtain a controlling stake in the group.

cost, and tried to help his grandma obtain a controlling stake in the group.
The smile on Ortega’s face grew wider and he said: “Thank you for appreciating my Inditex Group. Your grandma offered the same conditions as you, but I rejected them. I am already fifty-nine years old. Before I was forty, I’m just an ordinary tailor. I’ve looked past it a long time ago. Money is nothing to me. After selling 40% of the shares, I can still have control over the Inditex Group. When I don’t want to continue working, your family can give priority. Is this enough condition to acquire the shares in my hand?”
“Okay, I know what you mean.”
Han Xuan thought helplessly, if he followed the development trajectory of his previous life, he would still be alive and well until 2015. At that time, Inditex was worth hundreds of billions of dollars, so why not buy it?
In the early days of his business, Ortega received financing from others, but when he got the money, he bought back his shares.
In addition to the shares distributed to his children and company executives, he owns more than 90% of the shares of Inditex Group.
The price quoted by Han Xuan Nai this time was so terrifying that she was moved to sell all the shares that could be sold, retaining only the controlling rights and exchanging the shares for cash to create development opportunities for the company.
“Now I see opportunities and markets everywhere, but I am worried that I don’t have enough funds to expand. The US$200 million raised this time will all be invested in the Inditex Group to open my stores all over the world.”
/Ortega It was as if he said this unintentionally.
Han Xuan suddenly cursed the old fox secretly. If Whoops still wants to maintain 40% of its shares, it must invest a corresponding share of funds, otherwise the shares will be diluted with the capital injection.
Bu Xin then asked: “Suppose, I mean what if, the shares of Whoops Group are used to exchange and merge with Inditex Group, what do you think of this idea? Whoops Group now owns Victoria’s Secret, Burberry, Whoops, Express and other brands , with the addition of Zara, its future will be even broader. You can also make a lot of money in exchange for shares. I guarantee that Zara will still be managed by you. You will always be the CEO of this branch and a member of the Whoops Group. Board member.”
“Merger with a market capitalization of US$600 million?”
Ortega asked the key point.
Now the Whoops Group, with the rise in the share price of its subsidiary Victoria’s Secret, is expected to have a total market value of about US$1.9 billion.
If it merges with the Whoops Group for US$600 million, the company can acquire one-third of the shares of that company for US$250 million. It is absolutely cost-effective. Everyone in the industry can see that Whoops has a bright future.
According to the market value of 600 million U.S. dollars, he will exchange a large amount of Whoops shares from his grandma. Han Xuan didn’t know how to answer him.
According to the current development traje

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