II’s speech made the already solemn atmosphere in the hall become even more depressing.

II’s speech made the already solemn atmosphere in the hall become even more depressing.

The fate of race is a topic that is too burdensome. Even some representatives who had no dealings with the Frankish Kingdom did not dare to mess around on this issue.
If history happens once, it may be a coincidence, but if it repeats itself every time, it is definitely not a coincidence.
Any carelessness may lead to unpredictable consequences.
In ancient times, the human race was just one of many small races. It was thanks to the replacement of mainland hegemons and the reshuffle of forces over and over again that they slowly accumulated wealth.
In fact, it only took a few hundred years for the human race to truly seize the hegemony of the continent. Compared with the ancient races that had ruled the continent for many years, they did not have any advantages.
The only difference is that the human race is divided and faces internal and external competition that has never stopped. Everyone has a stronger sense of urgency.
Even if some countries are corrupt and degenerate, most human countries are still functioning normally and have not entered a period of decline.
Unlike the overlords in ancient times, there is only one unified political power. Once the internal degeneration begins, it will embark on a road of no return.
“His Majesty Charles is right. As the 100,000th year of the Holy Calendar approaches, we must unite to face the challenges we may encounter next.
I suggest that we all join forces to first eliminate the hidden dangers that may threaten us, such as the orc empire that invades the northern border of our human race. ”
The Alpha Kingdom representative was the first to respond.
The script has been arranged, and now it is just performed according to the prior agreement. Anyway, what was stated are all facts. Orcs are indeed the biggest unstable factor.
In the past years, they have launched dozens of wars in an attempt to regain their lost hegemony.
If we really decide to clear the place early, the Orc Empire will be the first nail to be pulled out. Even if they cannot be uprooted, the orcs must be disabled first.
This proposal, which was in line with the interests of the northern countries, instantly won the support of representatives from the northern countries. Coupled with the strong support of the Frankish Kingdom, the voting stage followed.
Without any surprise, the proposal was passed with a high vote. But when it comes to the specific deployment of troops, the scene is completely different in an instant.
Supporting the proposal is because everyone is considering the overall situation. In the past years, beating orcs was also a routine activity among humans.
Almost every few decades, the two sides will have a big fight. After a series of twists and turns, all countries have long been extremely disgusted with the orcs.
When it came time to contribute, everyone’s vital interests were involved, and all the representatives turned from passion to rationality.
/Terrance Defense Line, staying in the mil

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