ded, and her mother and brother have returned to Backlund and are about to start a normal life, and Xio’s current total income is enough to support a wealthy family.

ded, and her mother and brother have returned to Backlund and are about to start a normal life, and Xio’s current total income is enough to support a wealthy family.

All these reasons combined make Xio feel that life seems pretty good now and he doesn’t want to make changes.
Of course, if there is an opportunity to be promoted to Demigod, she will not let it go, because in the previous war, she experienced the powerlessness of a Sequence 5, and besides her and “Magician” Forsi, in the Tarot Society, , everyone else is already a demigod, so she undoubtedly doesn’t want to fall behind.
While thinking, “Judgment” Xio looked at “Magician” Forsi, and then lowered his head to the top of the mottled long table, saying that he would work hard.
“Magician” Forsi can probably guess the mentality of her friend, because she is similar.
/If she hadn’t been promoted to Sequence 4 to effectively fight against the “Full Moon Whispers”, she wouldn’t have to trouble Mr. Fool all the time, and the Abraham family had already prepared potion formulas and extraordinary materials for her, she wouldn’t be so eager to become a “Mystic Mage” .
As a “traveler”, I can go wherever I want and eat whatever food I want on-site immediately, which fully meets Fors’s original expectations for the extraordinary concept.
Of course, she also has another motivation for improvement, that is, as a demigod, she can better help the teacher’s family.
After seeing Mr. Fool shrouded in gray-white mist, he leaned back on his chair and stopped talking. Audrey “Justice” hesitated for a moment, opened her mouth and said:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question.
“If something happens and you know the outcome has nothing to do with you, it just depends on the mood and game of certain beings, what will you do?”
As soon as she finished speaking, “The Hanged Man” Alger laughed and said:
“Everyone is destined to die. No matter how hard he tries, it is difficult to change it. Does that mean his life is meaningless?”
He seemed to have been thinking about this issue for a long time, and then added:
“Since you can’t change the outcome of things at the moment, then work hard to improve yourself, gain stronger power, and control more authority until one day you can participate in those games. If you die in the process, it is better than anything else. did not do it.”
/These are some of the most sincere words Mr. “The Hanged Man” has ever said, and they seem to come from his heart… Small things can also become great… “Justice” Audrey was touched and nodded invisibly.
At this time, “World” Gehrman Sparrow looked around and said:
“Everyone, I need to remind you of something.”
When the members of the Tarot Society looked over at the same time, Klein controlled the dummy “World” and spoke in a low voice:
“The end is coming in more than ten years, and everyone may be destroyed, including gods.”
The end of the world… Although “Justice” Audrey had long known about the prophecy of the end of the world from the demigod of the Church of Knowledge, she had always l

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