le chewing: “You think I overslept.” As he said that, Yin Kuang also had a look of distress on his face. “Oh, I overslept, I know.” Bai Lu smiled “hehe”. As for why he was laughing “hehe”, Yin Kuang didn’t bother to care.

le chewing: “You think I overslept.” As he said that, Yin Kuang also had a look of distress on his face. “Oh, I overslept, I know.” Bai Lu smiled “hehe”. As for why he was laughing “hehe”, Yin Kuang didn’t bother to care.

le chewing: “You think I overslept.” As he said that, Yin Kuang also had a look of distress on his face. “Oh, I overslept, I know.” Bai Lu smiled “hehe”. As for why he was laughing “hehe”, Yin Kuang didn’t bother to care.
At this time, the Flame Queen, dressed in fiery red, kicked open the teacher’s door fiercely, walked in, stood on the podium, glanced at the people below the classroom, and then shouted: “Class!” ”
Hello, teacher!”
was a dazzling bang. The white light engulfed everyone!
There was another burst of dazzling white light, and more than ten people appeared in the empty classroom. It was the members of Class 1237 who had returned from the “course scene”.
/The Flame Queen looked at the people below and said: “I hope you will keep in mind every point I just said. You don’t have to use a weapon to kill someone. As long as you can use it, anything, even a strand of hair, can kill someone.” People die. Submit a copy of your experience in the next class, 1,500 words each. Write it carefully for me. Again, every piece of knowledge you have learned now can help you live longer. I don’t want to If you die early, please take it seriously!”
“And let me tell you one more thing. Today at noon, tomorrow at noon, and the day after tomorrow at noon, major associations and societies in colleges and universities will recruit new students in the central hall of the auditorium. You can go and try your luck. By the way, if you are a girl, you can try the Hongye Club. I don’t think I need to say more about the power of the Hongye Club. You should have heard about it these days. In addition, I am one of the five elders of the Hongye Club. I can give you some recommendations at that time. Whether you can seize the opportunity or not depends on you. Above! Now, class is over!” “Goodbye,
It’s 12:15 college time, outside the “Great Hall”.
Yin Kuang raised his head and looked at the “Grand Auditorium” in front of him. He said to Bai Lu, Wei Ming and others on the side: “This building looks like a tomb. How come it has become a ‘Grand Auditorium’?” Bai Lu “Hehe” smiled and said: “It’s not like you don’t know that the principal has a lot of bad tastes. We sleep in a coffin every day, and it’s not strange at all to have a tomb-like auditorium.”
/However, Li Shuangmu and Wang Ning did not come to the auditorium. Wang Ning said: “I have no interest in that kind of garbage organization at all.” Li Shuangmu said a little more tactfully, “I’m actually not interested in associations or anything like that. It’s better to be free.” Originally, Bai Lu wanted to join him. Li Shuangmu entered the “Wolf Association” and had no choice but to give up after hearing what he said.
Let’s say that when everyone came to the door of the auditorium, they saw two people in black, a man and a woman, standing on both sides of the door, the man on the left and the woman on the right, like sculptures. Yin Kuang and others approached them without even looking at them.
Bai Lu stepped forward and said, “Hello, senio

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