

head and paused on the spot. He spun on his feet and said: “I’m surprised. Obviously you all hated the university before for pulling you from the real world into hell and making you live like dogs in each world. Well, now you are another Everyone is vying to be the savior. Is it interesting? Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You guys, you want to keep these ridiculous existences, and you want to let the latecomers enjoy free fun one after another in the “high school horror style” Education’, oh, I can’t help it. But, I will definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely destroy everything! Gee, do you really think that just having a broken ax is enough? Oh, why is it so small? It’s just one thing. That’s not fun. It’s not the only Pangu Ax. In my eyes, it’s a rag, a rag.” As soon as
Youming finished speaking, he flashed and suddenly came behind Zhao Kuang and the others.
Dou Tianli didn’t expect that Youming would suddenly take action as he spoke, and violently swept the Pangu ax behind him. They saw that Pangu’s ax disappeared when it swept across Zhao Kuang and others, without hurting Zhao Kuang and others at all. With a “whoosh”, a gray-white arc of light shot out from the rough ax blade. .
The arc of light hit the amethyst giant sword that Youming was slashing towards Zhao Kuang and others. There was a crisp sound, and a big gap appeared in the amethyst giant sword in Youming’s hand.
The amethyst giant sword is famously made of the purest soul power of the ancestral dragon. Words such as strong and sharp are completely inadequate to describe the characteristics of the amethyst giant sword. There is nothing that cannot be destroyed with one strike of the sword. But now, a huge gap was opened by Pangu’s axe. This is exactly one of the characteristics of Pangu Ax: to cut off all energy in the world!
/Youming suddenly sneered, let go of the amethyst giant sword, and grabbed it with his hand. Xiang Ba was slower to dodge, but Youming caught it in his hand, and then quickly retreated, “Who saved the person I wanted to kill?”
Dou Tianli cried in his heart, but he didn’t expect that Youming knew the flaws of Pangu’s axe. The attack triggered by Pangu Ax is infinitely powerful and can destroy all energy, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, no matter how powerful the attack triggered by Pangu Ax is, it will be ineffective after hitting any target and will have no impact. force. Even if it hits a hair or a particle of dust, the arc of light will disappear. This is also the reason why the arc of light struck by Pangu’s ax appears gray-white. Because the arc of light travels directly through an alien space without any existence. If you want to attack again, you can only swing it again. The time difference is absolutely fatal!
Only the only Pangu Ax in Chaos has truly flawless and truly powerful power!
/Youming first blocked with his amethyst giant sword, then let go and grabbed Xiang Ba with lightning. It was obvious that he was taking advantage of this wea

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