t it was necessary to find other ways to increase security, otherwise the old man, who was more stubborn than a donkey, would definitely not leave easily.

t it was necessary to find other ways to increase security, otherwise the old man, who was more stubborn than a donkey, would definitely not leave easily.

“Well, the passenger pigeons are back, and they will definitely return to normal. You go back and take a nap first. Even if someone comes to steal, they won’t come during the day, right?” Thinking about Han Xuan’s words
/, Old Barton felt that it was true. It makes sense. He looked at the nearby bodyguards and said with relief,
“Then I’ll come back in the evening. I happened to forget to feed Zilla the pig. Tourists all like it. They charge thirty dollars for taking pictures.”
Probably because his legs were numb when standing, Barton got on his horse. When he almost fell down, the little donkey McDull saw the horse galloping and ran after him.
The distance it took to take one step was less than one-fifth that of a quarter horse. It followed the horse and ate a face of mud and water, but still ran back happily.
/It has long ears and a big belly. It has been well-raised recently. Compared with other Australian mini donkeys, its weight is seriously overweight. It is close to Han Xuan with a slapping tail.
This little donkey has a wild nature and likes to run unrestrained on the grassland. Han Xuan was afraid that McDull would get lonely if the group was too small, so he specially purchased more than ten mini donkeys to make him the “donkey king” of the group.
I reached out and patted McDull on the back, and suddenly felt a little funny. When I was a child, I used to ride it around, but now that I have grown up, it is still so small.
McDull is still the same McDull as before, with almost no change in height. His long ears are his Achilles’ heel. When Han Xuan touches him, he shows a funny smile, backs away, and turns around to play with Maomao Niu. His temperament has always been like that of a child.
The beautiful white woolly cow was caught in the rain last night and looked a bit miserable. It is just an ordinary mini highland cow. After being groomed, it turned into a cute appearance like a big doll. It is most afraid of touching water.
After going home and telling his father about Barton, Han Qianshan asked him to find a solution. After thinking about it, Han Qianshan decided to surround it with an iron fence.
Han Xuan thought that was too ugly, so he called the old man to find the world-famous Chinese designer Mr. Pei Luming and asked him to help design an artistic iron cage.
Previously, Chinese sculptor Zhang Chongren was asked to design a sculpture for Pudding, and he was given a design fee of one million US dollars for this purpose. At least 500 million people in the world know about the work “The Adventures of Tintin: Blue Lotus” that he co-created with others. This is his fame.
The sculpture was placed near the cattle pen, and Old Barton often went to wipe the dust off it.
More people know Mr. Pei. His architectural works can be found on all continents of the world. The most famous one is the glass pyramid at the entrance of the Lou

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