of the same ‘higher civilized race’ in them…

of the same ‘higher civilized race’ in them…

of the same ‘higher civilized race’ in them…
Their language is extremely complicated. Even if I have the ‘Eternal Understanding’ that I was lucky enough to get in the ‘Ancient Temple Ruins of Gaia’, I still have to use it. It will take twelve days before I can communicate with them freely…
/I will tell these kind-hearted exiles in a moment how wrong they are to choose to be friendly and alliance with the ferocious barbarians. Civilized people should choose to become allies with civilized people, such as us ‘The City-State of Cataman’…
God, I was wrong. Me, I made a big mistake in being self-righteous!
Coming by boat from afar does not mean those people are exiles. They come from another world, from another, another space!
The fantastic descriptions of the ancient god Gaia in the epic poem “Centuries” turned out to be true, and other worlds do exist!
Could it be that millions of years ago, after the ‘Six Days of Destruction’, our world really became an insignificant part of a huge ‘Great World’ for a period of time…
I will leave this island tomorrow, Spread the news of the invasion of aliens to all civilized countries. ‘They’ are here…
The Hellfire barbarians discovered the cave where I was hiding. In my horror yesterday, I forgot to be careful. These damn barbarians didn’t listen to my explanation at all, and launched an attack on me. I tried my best to escape to the seaside, and escaped on the newly domesticated ‘big hairy dolphin’…
kind-hearted sea spirit, I sacrificed my short life. In exchange for this, I cast the ‘Eternal Understanding’ so that you can understand what I wrote on this magic wolfskin paper.
Intelligent beings in the same ‘Gaia world’, although of different races, stand in the face of ‘great justice’. I sincerely hope that you can abandon your dislike of ‘land people’ and hand over my diary to His Excellency Adiya, the chief education officer of the Blue Whale City of ‘Cataman City-State’.
Take my gray robe as a token and tell him that you are the messenger of ‘Mist Explorer’ Armandnik, and he will definitely meet you.
When the time comes, hand this roll of magic wolfskin paper to Lord Aditya, and you will surely receive generous rewards, and even become a great figure who will leave your name in history!
This matter is extremely important to our entire world. I beg you, kind ocean spirit, to pass on the news at all costs…
Zhang Lisheng read all the contents on the magic wolf skin scroll in one breath, and fell into deep thought. middle.
The descriptions of the ancient god Gaia and the epic “Centuryes”, the six-day catastrophe, and the vast world on the animal skin scroll, as well as the metaphors of the ‘bookmarks’ and ‘books’ he knew before, vaguely formed a thread that pointed directly to the truth. .
Just thinking about it, the young man couldn’t see clearly what the ‘truth’ hidden behind the context was.
However, one thing he was certain of was that although he could not understand why the United States had two completely different attitudes towa

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