rking. Because, Yin Kuang’s cold eyes penetrated directly into his heart.

rking. Because, Yin Kuang’s cold eyes penetrated directly into his heart.

rking. Because, Yin Kuang’s cold eyes penetrated directly into his heart.
Yin Kuang put the station order in front of his eyes and said coldly: “I’ll give you five minutes.”
The boy looked at the station order, was stunned, and said quickly: “Okay, okay. Five minutes, just five minutes! Yin
Kuang smiled and said: “I guess you won’t do any tricks. Unless you want to stay here for the rest of your life.” The boy’s face froze and he said to himself: “When did you become such a ruthless character in your freshman year? Forget it. , Anyone who can start an association is not a good person. Just bear with it and save your life.” ”
I will do it for you right now, and I guarantee that it will be done properly. I promise, promise.”
In the words of Yin Kuang and others Under strong and violent coercion, in less than four minutes, the boy pushed the previous “residency order” and a piece of white paper to Yin Kuang, and said with fear on his face: “Just sign the president’s name on it and that’s it. . Only five people can sign at most.”
/Yin Kuang picked up the piece of paper and scanned it. It turned out to be a land deed. The above roughly means that a piece of 600 acres of land will be given to an association called “Wanjie”. Then there is a map behind the white paper, which marks the route to the “Wanjie” station. It is worth mentioning that the map is an electronic navigation map that can be zoomed in and out! Everything seemed to be fine. However, Yin Kuang still asked: “What does the Qingmu-level association mean?” The boy said: “That is the level determined based on the final score of your association assessment. The Qingmu-level association is considered a medium-sized association.”
Yin Kuang then remembered the association. There is indeed a score during the assessment. Scores will be deducted for any props produced by universities. Although some are curious about the specific scoring criteria for the association level, that is a thing of the past after all, so what is the use of knowing it. Yin Kuang asked: “So is there any chance to improve the level of the association in the future?” The boy said, “Yes. You can get ratings by annexing other associations, completing ‘mercenary missions’, exploring the ‘Chaotic Continent’, etc. Increase the level of the association. The higher the level of the association, the more land it enjoys and the larger the population it can accommodate. Then you can obtain learning points through tax collection, plunder, etc. In short, you can do a lot of things in Chaos Continent. If you have the ability , you can also build your own kingdom.”
Yin Kuang and others looked at each other, obviously full of interest in this plane called “Chaos Continent”.
Yin Kuang picked up his pen and wrote his name while asking: “Are there any information books that introduce the situation in the chaotic continent?” The boy continued: “Yes.” He took out a book about one centimeter thick and said : “That 1,000 learning points?” Yin Kuang said, “You still need money?” The boy looked bitter and

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