e is that the chopping green sword is condensed with a special soul flame that combines “soul power” and “soul thoughts”.

e is that the chopping green sword is condensed with a special soul flame that combines “soul power” and “soul thoughts”.

e is that the chopping green sword is condensed with a special soul flame that combines “soul power” and “soul thoughts”.
/The direction of the downward chop is directly ahead.
Whether you can survive it depends on this sword!
Clang, jingle, jingle! !
A sword containing great power slashed down into the air, pulling out an arc-shaped purple trajectory. After one blow, a figure suddenly appeared directly in front of where there was nothing. Then there was a sound of metal clashing, and countless metal splashing sounds. But it was Yin Kuang who made a great contribution with his sword and actually broke Liu Xie’s scorpion tail chain!
It turned out that Liu Xie actually wrapped two scorpion tail chains behind his slender arms and wrapped them into a pair of iron fists. She wanted to use the speed of “acceleration mode” to generate powerful force and attack Yin Kuang head-on.
It’s no wonder Liu Xie did this, because after entering the “acceleration mode”, the difficulty of controlling the chain doubled. Not to mention controlling the scorpion tail chain, even controlling one’s own limbs is not easy. Otherwise, if the person disappears as soon as he speeds up, and then appears behind the enemy to deliver such a fatal blow, the battle probably won’t be fought. Therefore, the strength of the “acceleration mode” is relatively balanced. Using speed to generate power and using power to attack Yin Kuang is Liu Xie’s best choice.
However, Liu Xie never expected that Yin Kuang seemed to see through her actions and struck her with a sword. Moreover, the power of that sword was actually extraordinary. Don’t say that Liu Xie couldn’t see the significance of that sword, even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to react. Therefore, it is hard to say whether Yin Kuang’s sword struck Liu Xie or Liu Xie hit Yin Kuang’s sword.
The sharp spiritual weapon Qingzhi Sword, wrapped in the mysterious power of the Purple Dragon Soul, with Yin Kuang’s determination to win, actually chopped Liu Xie’s stigmatized weapon into pieces with one sword stroke.
However, before Yin Kuang showed joy, he felt a soft yet hard body hit his body. The reason why I say soft is because it is a woman’s body after all. The hardness means that it was hit solidly under the inertia of the original speed, and it naturally felt like being hit by a hard boulder.
At this time, Yin Kuang felt dizzy and dizzy. The chest that was hit was even more painful. However, he didn’t have time to feel the pain. His eyes turned cold and he punched Liu Xie’s brain. At this time, Liu Xie was lying on Yin Kuang’s body. The feeling of being pressed by a woman’s body is naturally wonderful, but Yin Kuang is obviously not stupid enough to “die under peonies.” Of course, whether it is peonies or not is another matter. So as soon as he reacted, Yin Kuang struck hard. Although Yin Kuang punched in a hurry at this time, the power was naturally much weaker, but if it was really a real punch, it would be enough for Liu Xie to bear.
And what about Liu Xie? Her reaction speed is not

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