s out of his mind.

s out of his mind.

s out of his mind.
And Fina said: “Your Excellencies, please sit down. Fina is going to use magic.” After saying that, Fina finally turned her head and glanced at the dead White White, the horse murmured a few times, and then four small A green whirlwind wrapped around its horse’s hooves, and then Fina’s hooves flew around and started running. Perhaps because of the magic, Fina ran very fast even though she was carrying two people.
Even when starting, let the two people on the horse lean back. Tang Rouyu pulled the reins and stabilized her figure. As for Yin Kuang, he was holding the goblin in one hand and put the other hand somewhere, and he was not sitting firmly. When Fina started running wildly, he almost flew out. However, when he was about to fly out, his hand that he didn’t know where to put subconsciously hugged Tang Rouyu’s slender waist, which stopped him from leaning back and prevented him from flying out.
However, his chest was also tightly pressed against Tang Rouyu’s back. Although there is a layer of armor in the middle, it still feels weird.
Tang Rouyu’s waist is covered with thin leather soft armor, which is for the flexibility of the waist. And Yin Kuang’s hand was so close to the thin soft armor that he could clearly feel the slenderness of Tang Rouyu’s waist, and he could even imagine the elasticity of the skin. Yin Kuang’s fingers moved. It seems like you want to try the flexibility?
“Hey!” Tang Rouyu gasped suddenly, “If you don’t want to be kicked by me, just keep your hands there. You can’t move a finger.” Yin Kuang’s face turned
/red and he hesitated, “I’m sorry. “I can’t help it.” If Tang Rouyu could understand Yin Kuang’s heart at this time, she would definitely kick Yin Kuang down in shame and anger.
“You still say?” It seemed that being so close together made her feel uncomfortable. Tang Rouyu moved her butt forward slightly, and suddenly felt that Yin Kuang’s hand seemed to be withdrawn. Tang Rouyu said: “Just leave it like this. Don’t fall down.”
“Yeah.” The gentle voice made Yin Kuang’s heart feel warm and itchy. However, although her hands were still holding Tang Rouyu’s waist, her body moved back, and her chest and back, which were originally close to each other, were slightly separated.
Feeling the empty space behind her, Tang Rouyu felt lost, and then she “hummed” in her heart, and thought to herself unhappily: “If you lean on me, you’ll die!” Her red lips pursed a few times, but her body seemed to move back half a minute uncontrollably. Until it reached Yin Kuang’s chest. Then, Tang Rouyu’s tense body relaxed involuntarily, “Hey, Yin Kuang, I’m tired from the fight just now. Let me lean on your chest.”
Yin Kuang was stunned for a moment, then said “hmm” and said: “Then you should have a good rest. I’m afraid it won’t be long before it’s a fight to the death.” At this moment, Yin Kuang was using other things to distract himself.
After hearing this, Tang Rouyu curled her lips and said to herself: “It’s really a sight. Forget it, let’s train it slowly.”

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