Lily was stunned for a moment, came back to her senses, and asked: “Baby, your special ability is just to communicate with animals? “

Lily was stunned for a moment, came back to her senses, and asked: “Baby, your special ability is just to communicate with animals? “

Lily was stunned for a moment, came back to her senses, and asked: “Baby, your special ability is just to communicate with animals? ”
Sometimes you can drive them to do something. If you practice hard in the future, you should be able to transform some of the abilities of insects and reptiles, that is, transplant them into yourself.”
“Like Spider-Man? ”
“Maybe. Spider is a good choice. I will consider it when I become a land wizard in the future. ” ”
Oh baby, oh baby, so although you have inherited your father’s evil bloodline and practiced ‘extraordinary arts’, you have not followed the same path as him!”
It must have been my prayers that did the trick.
The power of communicating with animals, no wonder you like biology so much, maybe, maybe you can become a great biologist in the future, just like Darwin. “Lili, like a loving mother, chose to believe everything Zhang Lisheng said. Her hanging heart fell back into her stomach and she said ecstatically.
/Zhang Lisheng nodded sincerely this time and said, “Not bad, mom. I also think I am very suitable to be. A biologist.
“What happened last night? ”
“Mom, I did meet the ‘Broken Doctor’ and drove the animals to have a fight with him. ”
However, he never showed up head-on. When we were evenly matched, he finally let Michelle go.
“Don’t let anyone know about this, honey, or you’ll be in big trouble. ” “After listening to Zhang Lisheng’s words, Lili took the initiative to say.
“Yeah, without revealing the extraordinary ability to drive animals, you can’t explain how I was scared away. If the bone-breaking doctor who is committing the crime exposes this secret, maybe I will be A certain mysterious biological laboratory belonging to the United States is dissecting and researching. ”
No, don’t make such a terrible example, honey,” Lily said with a sudden change of color: “With mom here, I won’t let anyone find out your secret.”
/I will take you home now, rest for a few days, and you will start to go to school again and completely return to your normal life. In this case, as time goes by, Jingfang will naturally lessen the emphasis on you.
By the time the bone-breaking doctor arrives, hopefully this demon is dead in the sewer sludge by now, but if he does it again, God, forgive me for saying this, you’ll be completely safe. ”
“I listen to your mother.”
“Well, honey, now change your clothes. We will go to the doctor right away. We will do some more examinations and then go through the discharge procedures.” ”
I’m fine. There’s nothing to check.”
“Baby, you had a fight with the most terrifying serial killer in New York last night. Of course you need to have another detailed medical examination and change clothes. I have the final say on this matter.”
At Lily’s insistence, Zhang Lisheng had no choice but to obey.
Finally, after the doctor once again confirmed that after a night’s stay in the hospital for observation, the skinny boy’s health was the same as last night’s examination and he was in good condition, Lili went through the discha

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