of white smoke came out from all around the water game pit.

of white smoke came out from all around the water game pit.

of white smoke came out from all around the water game pit.
Ji Seokjin seemed to be going crazy, shouting: “Success! I knew you could do it! Hahahaha! Let’s applaud and congratulate him!”
A middle-level leader from Lotte Department Store came over to inspect and heard this slightly With a crazy tone, he shook his head and said to himself: “What kind of hosts are you inviting?”
Han Xuan was panting and stood on the high platform waving his hands. It took him fifty-one seconds. His speed was already very fast.
Hearing people’s praises, I was thinking that it might be difficult for Anya to succeed.
She took the gift given by the staff and went down from the high platform. Secretary Dawson had already brought a dry towel and was waiting for the little boss.
I took the towel and wiped my hair, handed the Korean beef and shopping coupons to him for help, and jogged to the starting point.
Secretary Shen was accompanying Anya and cheering her on. The girl was obviously a little distracted.
It would take a few minutes to hang the water balloon again, and Han Xuan took the opportunity to tell her some things she needed to pay attention to during the level.
When she was ready, Anya also started to challenge.
This guy can usually walk and never run. Unexpectedly, his motor skills are quite good. He bumped and bumped along the way, but he didn’t fall into the water.
When she got to the level where the water balloon was hanging, it didn’t look high, but she jumped several times without touching it, just like a plumber picking mushrooms.
The height of the water polo was really too difficult for her. She wasted a lot of time here and had to admit defeat in the end.
There were many viewers who were aggrieved for Anya, saying that the game was unfair to women. It was obvious that the organizer did not want to give any more gifts, and she could have gotten through it.
The staff of Lotte Department Store in the crowd got angry when they heard these words. What was even more irritating was that the host Ji Seok-jin also helped Anya speak, which sounded like he was fanning the flames.
Han Xuan was about to go to Anya’s side when he saw Liu Zaishi rushing back out of breath and said, “Fortunately you haven’t left yet. I don’t have your contact information.”
/Han Xuan and Anya left the water challenge venue.
She never thought about fighting for anything. Failure was failure. She accepted it calmly and didn’t care about it.
My body was still wet, so I bought two sets of street clothes from a clothing store in Myeongdong. The total cost was only about ninety US dollars, and they looked pretty good.
Putting the wet clothes they had changed into a red plastic bag, passers-by’s eyes nearly popped out when they saw the two of them sitting in a Rolls-Royce parked on the roadside.
Looking at the cheap clothing store with the slogan “Store renovation coming soon! 40% off sale! Only the last three days left!!” and then looking at the car, they all shook their heads and smiled bitterly.
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