oup in the future.

oup in the future.

oup in the future.
It was quiet for a few seconds.
/The official from the Maldives Embassy in the United States said: “Please wait a moment, I want to ask the country, I can’t make the decision.”
At this moment, the Maldives should still be at night, and seemed to be in a hurry. Han Xuan heard this and answered him: ” Okay, call me back after asking.”
“You want to buy an island? Where?”
From Han Xuan’s words, Isabelle heard that he was talking about this matter. After asking, she added: “And, what did you just say? When I spoke, I was really stinky.”
Han Xuan simply ignored her last sentence, “There are sixteen islands in the Maldives, and I want to build a resort there. For my birthday last year, my dad bought a Pisces Island. It was given to me and made nearly one million US dollars in net profit in a year. I think the number of tourists there will be even more in the future, and most of them are wealthy people. There is a huge market for building luxury hotel-style islands. Besides, I like the Maldives very much. After Christmas this year, I might go on vacation again.” ”
But isn’t it going to be flooded?” Isabelle asked.
Han Xuan shrugged.
“It’s time to build artificial islands. I won’t be around for a hundred years, and enjoyment is important now. Rented ones always feel like they are not yours, and there is supervision, which is too troublesome.”
Harris’s family conditions are average, and he is dizzy. I almost didn’t understand what he was talking about. I only knew that my classmate wanted to buy an island and open a hotel to make money.
And Isabelle has more exposure to this aspect.
I just heard Han Xuan say that he planned to buy them all, and he said excitedly: “Can you sell me one? My parents must be very interested. They have an island off the coast of Brazil, but the sea there is too dirty! I don’t like it!” ”
Pisces Island was bought for US$9.5 million, and together with subsequent investments, the total was about US$11 million.
This time, the Maldives requires investment in construction. It will definitely cost a lot to buy sixteen islands together. Selling one to her can reduce the burden, so it is not a big problem.
Han Xuan smiled and said: “Okay, do you plan to develop it into a resort or live on a private island?” ”
Whatever, as long as it is beautiful. I like swimming and tropical fish.” ”
Then I recommend Full Moon Island or Platinum Island. I’ve been to two places, and the size is just right. You’d better ask your family.” ”
/I’ll lend you the phone later.”
On the TV, the news about Microsoft’s antitrust was finished.
American TV stations rarely show movies.
Even if there are, they are old movies from decades ago. They make money by renting video tapes, so basically every household has a player.
Harris really liked the science fiction TV series “Babylon 5”, but Isabelle was not impressed, so she put on the video tape and switched to last year’s movie “The Secret Garden”.
“That’s why I’ve been troubled recently. She asked me to watch TV with her when

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