when I went to see you, that you actually like sports cars, and remember that I drove it to see you, which is considered discerning. A car of the same model was auctioned some time ago and sold for more than five million US dollars.”

when I went to see you, that you actually like sports cars, and remember that I drove it to see you, which is considered discerning. A car of the same model was auctioned some time ago and sold for more than five million US dollars.”

when I went to see you, that you actually like sports cars, and remember that I drove it to see you, which is considered discerning. A car of the same model was auctioned some time ago and sold for more than five million US dollars.”
“How dare I be angry with you? Life is good now, but I always feel like something is missing and I can’t do anything. I’m interested.”
/Han Xuan said in a lazy tone. He had a similar mentality when he went to Cambridge University to take classes. It was precisely because he was a little confused that he plunged into the sea of ??books and refused to come out. Such a life was not fulfilling either.
Grandpa Guo Muzhou had a lot of knowledge and a good brain. He figured out the problem after a little thought. He shook his head and said with a smile: “Maybe you became famous too early when you were young. It took you a few years to do something that others couldn’t do in several lifetimes.” I think so because I have nothing to do and have lost my ambition. Others have just started to have ideals in adolescence, but you have succeeded early and you will be fulfilled if you find something to do.” “I also know that the
problem is It’s hard to find something you like here. After all, I’m too good at it.”
Han Xuan said these words in a serious manner. It was fun to make money easily by using the experience of his previous life, but it would inevitably become boring after too many times. He continued to speak to his grandfather:
“Some time ago, I had an idea. I wanted to change my appearance slightly, such as changing my hairstyle, wearing glasses, etc., and then go to a place where no one knows me and start over. It’s like changing my appearance. A way of life, to experience the life of ordinary people, no money, no power, just simple, go to school, start a small business, etc. It would be good. If you feel tired, start over, it may be a lot richer , I have only mentioned this idea to Anya before, and she is very supportive of me. The company is almost on the right track, and I just need to keep calling the supervisors occasionally. What do you think of this idea? After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only thing. It makes me feel interesting, otherwise there is really nothing to challenge. It sounds a bit arrogant, but I really think that I have reached the end of the pyramid of human society.” “You
can try it, but you must pay attention to safety issues. Which country are you going to?
After Grandpa Guo Muzhou asked, he continued: “I guess it won’t work in the United States. People can easily recognize you. Not even in yellow countries. This face is too recognizable. It’s best to go to European countries. They generally treat yellow people. ” Face-blind.”
“Let’s talk about this later. Don’t worry too much about safety. It’s not that the bodyguards aren’t following me, they’re just lurking around. I’m thinking of a way. If I get a stand-in to divert my attention, I should be able to distract the gang. Journalists were fooled and it would be much safer if people k

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