. He smiled and said to Keynes: “I am willing to give you an annual salary of 3.5 million U.S. dollars. Then buy the copper price and it will fall for one month. You can preside over this short sale.” , Mr. Keynes.”

. He smiled and said to Keynes: “I am willing to give you an annual salary of 3.5 million U.S. dollars. Then buy the copper price and it will fall for one month. You can preside over this short sale.” , Mr. Keynes.”

. He smiled and said to Keynes: “I am willing to give you an annual salary of 3.5 million U.S. dollars. Then buy the copper price and it will fall for one month. You can preside over this short sale.” , Mr. Keynes.”
Keynes shook his head, “Financial analysts cannot personally participate in real transactions, which will affect our judgment. People are emotional animals, and you don’t want to lose money, right? So I’ll continue to do my analysis. Research. As long as you keep up with the news, I won’t say how much you can make, but at least you won’t lose money.” ”
That’s enough. Thank you for your help. Then I’ll find someone else to take charge of the operation. Three percent, as long as Make money, no matter how much you make, I will give you a reward of 3% of the profit.”
Keynes raised the corner of his mouth, and then asked: “How much do you plan to invest this time?”
“Let’s start with one billion US dollars, I want to try London Metal How deep is the water in the exchange?”
Reading newspapers to understand major events happening around the world is what Han Xuan must do every day.
An analysis meeting on copper prices ended at early ten o’clock, which made him determined to short copper prices during this period.
/After sending Keynes and the others away, Han Xuan arranged for Secretary Dawson to call and hand over the matter to Executive Anthony, and then he had time to drink coffee and read the newspaper.
The financial section of the Wall Street Journal reported on the merger discussions between Whoops Group and Inditex Group. The editor who wrote the news couldn’t understand Han Xuan’s plan to exchange shares for merger with Inditex Group at double the premium.
Not only him, but also some small shareholders of Whoops Group can’t understand. Although Whoops head office is solely owned by Han Xuan’s grandma Tang Wan, its Victoria’s Secret is still listed. If the parent company makes “wrong decisions”, it will inevitably affect subsidiaries.
After the news was released yesterday morning, Victoria’s Secret’s market value fell slightly by 0.31% by the afternoon’s close.
The drop was within Han Xuan’s expectation and was less than the 1% expected. After all, in the eyes of investors, this was giving money to the Inditex Group in vain, which was not in their interests. It was inevitable to be disappointed with Whoops.
In fact, the acquisition of Inditex Group for more than US$500 million is indeed too much, but it will definitely not be sold without Amancio Ortega.
Compared with the company’s brand, Han Xuan wants its talents, its already initially improved management experience, and Ortega himself.
/His shameless character of continuing the plagiarism to the end despite the lawsuits filed by designers is worth US$200 million in Han Xuan’s eyes.
Those who are capable are not as thick-skinned as him, but those who are thick-skinned are incompetent. Even if Han Xuan comes on his own, he is not sure that Inditex Group will become as valuable as it was in his previous life. Only that st

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