er eating, he took his toy airship and ran around the dinner table.

er eating, he took his toy airship and ran around the dinner table.

er eating, he took his toy airship and ran around the dinner table.
“Courage! Change to helium suspension mode!” Dongdong stopped next to Lulu, holding up the toy airship and shouted.
“Is it Courage?” Lulu asked Dongdong while eating noodles.
“Yes, my grandfather was the captain of the Courage!” Dongdong said in a very proud tone.
“Then is your grandfather’s Courage a ship? Or an airship?” Lulu continued chatting with Dongdong.
“Courage can change the driving mode. It becomes a ship in the water and an airship in the sky.” Dongdong said to Lulu with a longing expression on her face, obviously recalling something.
Liu Qian glanced at Lulu. This girl seemed to be getting more and more familiar with Dongdong. According to her temper, she would probably take Dongdong with her. With such a burden by her side, she would probably Tired herself to death.
/But this has nothing to do with him anymore.
“Dongdong, is your grandfather the captain of the Courage?” Jiang Jinyuan, who had been silent at first, seemed to be very interested in this topic, and finally found an opportunity to interject.
“Yes.” Dongdong held the airship and ran around the dining table again.
“Do you know where your grandfather is?” Jiang Jinyuan tried to ask Dongdong.
“On the sea, or in the sky.” Dongdong answered Jiang Jinyuan.
Jiang Jinyuan frowned, wanting to ask why but didn’t speak again. Although he now wanted to have a ship or airship to take him to the main city laboratory, in the end of the world, whether the courage in Dongdong’s mouth was infected Losing control is always unknown.
In addition, there is a question mark over whether the things that four-year-old Dongdong said were his own imagination or reality. Even if the Courage really existed, there was no way to contact Dongdong’s grandfather at home, so even if he knew this information, it would be of no use. Everything would have to wait until he went to the laboratory a few blocks away.
After eating, Liu Qian and Jiang Jinyuan packed their bags again and hit the road. Liu Gan carried a large backpack, and Jiang Jinprinciple dragged a wheeled suitcase. With his physical ability, it was difficult for him to carry a large backpack and walk.
Lulu chased her to the door and wanted to say something to Liu Gan again, but she didn’t say anything until Liu Gan left.
/“Sister, will the uncles come back?” Dongdong asked Lulu uneasily, and they left after he got acquainted with them.
“I don’t know.” Lulu picked up Dongdong and walked to the window. She watched Liu Qian and Jiang Jinyuan walk out from the door of the unit building below, and then walked towards the gate of the community. Their figures soon disappeared. In the streets and alleys.
“Sister, don’t cry.” Dongdong stretched out her little hand and touched Lulu’s tear-stained cheek.
“I’m not crying.” Lulu wiped her eyes quickly.
She spent the whole morning surrounded by Liu Gan’s roars. His mouth was really smelly and he especially liked to lecture others. His eardrums hurt from the shock. But now that

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