rs, he raised his head and said, “I prefer to be clean, so it’s better not to bring dirty things in. In addition, my reception time is usually until seven o’clock in the evening. I don’t want to see guests at this time now.” I like to meet outsiders.”

rs, he raised his head and said, “I prefer to be clean, so it’s better not to bring dirty things in. In addition, my reception time is usually until seven o’clock in the evening. I don’t want to see guests at this time now.” I like to meet outsiders.”

rs, he raised his head and said, “I prefer to be clean, so it’s better not to bring dirty things in. In addition, my reception time is usually until seven o’clock in the evening. I don’t want to see guests at this time now.” I like to meet outsiders.”
As soon as Mr. Xu finished speaking, a bell suddenly rang outside the house. It was the same ringing sound I had heard before, and the zombie standing on the wall jumped up suddenly. Then he stood firmly in front of Mr. Xu. The green smoke flows outward, and the land where it passes is filled with sour water, and the surrounding plants all wither and wither.
“My gardener takes care of these flowers very carefully.”
Mr. Xu shook his head slightly.
The bell rang again, and the zombie in front of him let out a low growl, put his feet on the ground, jumped up high and rushed towards Mr. Xu. At this moment, I ran back to the room and rushed out with the Tushan knife. Even if I had confidence in Mr. Xu’s strength, I didn’t necessarily have to sit back and drink tea and watch the scenery.
/The zombie fell down and pressed Mr. Xu’s shoulders with his big hands. The strength was so strong that he could easily lift the fat man up. No matter how tall Mr. Xu’s body was, it was impossible for him to be heavier than the fat man. If he was caught by the zombie, I’m afraid he will inevitably get injured.
/I pulled out the Tushan knife and rushed forward quickly, but I heard Mr. Xu smile and say: “Mr. Ba, don’t worry, it’s okay with me.”
When I heard this, I was stunned, and looked over again, the zombie He was trying to lift Mr. Xu off the ground with both hands, but even though his strength was immense, he was unable to lift Mr. Xu up this time!
“How is this possible?”
I was dumbfounded. The zombie had obviously exerted force, but Mr. Xu’s body seemed to weigh ten thousand kilograms, and veins popped out in the zombie’s arms. A strenuous growl came out of his mouth, but it was of no use at all!
“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, bell
.” The old man controlling the zombies outside must have been anxious, but no matter how hard the zombie tried, he couldn’t do anything to the old man in front of him.
I lowered my gaze and focused on the old gentleman’s feet. Only then did I realize that there were several cracks in the ground under his feet. Were these cracks originally there? Or was it stepped out by Mr. Xu?
“It’s just a bad zombie. I obviously haven’t mastered the art of controlling corpses and refining corpses. It’s more than enough to deal with ordinary people, but I’m afraid it’s not qualified to run wild in my house.”
Mr. Xu suddenly stretched out a The hand in his pocket grabbed the zombie’s wrist with his backhand, and then swung his arm upwards, actually lifting the copper-skinned and iron-bone zombie into the air.
The zombie floated in the air. Mr. Xu exhaled a long puff of smoke, then pulled down his palm, pulling the zombie’s

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