age has connected with Tesla’s advertising channels, what I mean is that some of the European music, film and television producers have already obtained the copyrights from the East. Fee?”

age has connected with Tesla’s advertising channels, what I mean is that some of the European music, film and television producers have already obtained the copyrights from the East. Fee?”

age has connected with Tesla’s advertising channels, what I mean is that some of the European music, film and television producers have already obtained the copyrights from the East. Fee?”
His question did not involve the United States, but went straight to the core of Tesla’s European roadshow.
What is a nifty person? This is it!
Zhao Song stretched out his thumb with a sigh and answered in the affirmative.
“So why do you want to contact those old people who are not enterprising?” Anthony asked puzzledly. “Without cooperation, Tesla is fully capable of draining the British entertainment industry!”
“Cooperation is better than confrontation.” Zhao Songyan said sincerely He explained that he could not say that most people at Tesla were frightened by what had happened before, not to mention that although most of the company’s employees were flower growers, most of them still had beautiful illusions about the West,
just like their neighbor to the north, Mao Zedong. Bear has been abused by the United States thousands of times, but many people still treat America as their first love!
In this regard, many flower gardeners have inherited the fine traditions of their former teachers.
The West is beautiful, why fight when we can cooperate!
Even Zhao Song, who came from a strong country context, could not change this in a short time.
Anthony is a good person and quickly realized Zhao Song’s subtext. In order to avoid embarrassing the young man, he quickly changed the subject: “Nicholas, does the board of directors have requirements for the number of shares you hold after listing?” ”
Yes, a lot needs to be released. ”
Are there any free stocks?”
In addition to some stocks that need to be allocated to Nancy, there are certainly many stocks that Zhao Song can decide on his own.
After getting the answer he wanted, Anthony smiled with satisfaction: “Nicholas, according to your country’s future industrial plan, I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you interested in the automobile industry?”
Zhao Song was stunned.
/“I have a proposal here,” Anthony said with contentment, “If you can bring a certain sub-brand of Ford back to its birthplace and promise enough employment indicators,
believe me, all of your company’s products will be It is not within the scope of political discussion. If you can do what I propose, the differences you face at Tesla will not be a problem at all. You will even become the cultural ambassador of the United Kingdom, bringing with you all the music, film and television works here Back to the East! “
The dance is coming to an end.
Everyone who comes here has a satisfactory harvest.
/Girls who are new to society meet outstanding young gentlemen, and the powerful men who accompany their daughters make new connections.
Life cannot be compared, but personality is equal. There is no distinction between high and low in social circles. If certain classes insist on being ranked high and low, ordinary people cannot make an extra cent. Whether they are high or low i

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