arcom, Fantasy, and Huashi all felt a deep malice coming.

arcom, Fantasy, and Huashi all felt a deep malice coming.

arcom, Fantasy, and Huashi all felt a deep malice coming.
However, these pairs have already set their sights on the strait. For Zhao Song on the other side, it has become insignificant.
June 1, 15:28 pm. Zhao Song
, the main body of the national 909 project, is outside the gate of Shanghai Huahong Microelectronics Factory
with the help of Liao Yingzhu . After finishing dressing up for the last time, I took a deep breath and stepped into the door of this company established with the efforts of the whole country!
At the same time, Shenzhou Technology closed in red!
The world’s youngest silicon wafer factory president is about to enter the company. People show his strategic plan for Huahong Microelectronics.
“Uncle Niu evaluates stocks.
Today, the market fell by 109 points, or 5.27%, falling below 2,000 points and closing at 1,956 points.
Because of Shenzhou!
Everyone knows that Uncle Niu is the beneficiary of Shenzhou Technology’s shell listing. No matter how its stock price falls, it cannot fall to Uncle Niu’s cost price. Why does Uncle Niu keep holding it?
Because of Zhao Song!
I am betting that Shenzhou will perform well, and I am betting that Shenzhou will pay high dividends in the full fiscal year.
There are many wonders in the flower stock market. Putting aside the negative, sensational, impetuous, and ironic, there is only one wonder left to talk about, our little rich man.
State-owned enterprises are made by the state, but in the case of our little richest man, they have become privately made by state-owned enterprises!
Silly Zhao Song, everyone loves him! This sentence is not only circulated in certain circles, but is also a hot topic among our stock investors.
But is he stupid?
Today, Uncle Niu didn’t talk about anything else but Shenzhou Technology.
After reading the content of today’s Shenzhou press conference, Uncle Niu used almost all his connections in one day to understand some things. Now, let me tell you about Uncle Niu’s experience:
First, what is Montnets Technology?
Business scope: Please see the company introduction for details. In short, we provide: M2M, P2P, P2M and a series of solutions. As long as you want to access the Internet and stand at the forefront of the Internet, it is the right place to look for.
Second, how powerful is Montnets Technology?
Zhuanghua Mobile, Zhonghua Telecom, and Zhonghua Unicom are strategic partners, named after Monternet. How powerful do you think it is?
Third, what is the business expansion of Montnets Technology?
/The only ones I know so far are: ICBC, China Merchants Bank, China Construction Bank, three securities firms, five local governments, 13 universities, Penguin, Qiandu and other hundreds of enterprises and institutions, large and small, have signed letters of intent to cooperate. As long as you want to contact Net, just look for it!
Fourth, what is the relationship between Zhao Song and Mengwang?
There is no relationship, it can also be said that there is a decisive relationship!
Montnets Technology

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