o find had actually been discovered first. And it looked like it might have been stolen hundreds of years ago. Not a single treasure remains inside. It can even be said to be a mess. Only some strange drawings were left behind. It is estimated that the master who came in to steal did not pay attention to these drawings and took the treasure and left.

o find had actually been discovered first. And it looked like it might have been stolen hundreds of years ago. Not a single treasure remains inside. It can even be said to be a mess. Only some strange drawings were left behind. It is estimated that the master who came in to steal did not pay attention to these drawings and took the treasure and left.

The cave master of Xuantian Cave was disheartened and thought of dying in this cave. But I didn’t expect it. At this moment, when he looked at the drawings, he seemed to be able to see another layer of different patterns. He began to study these drawings with great concentration, and finally discovered the secret of the drawings. It turned out that these drawings had to be viewed from different angles to see the real patterns in the drawings. These patterns are fairy formations. It belongs to a special school of the Xian family. They abandoned the trouble of casting huge formations, and instead made the formations smaller and simpler. Even though the power is reduced, it can be used quickly in battle. Just imagine. If the mountain defense formations of Longhu Mountain or Maoshan could be used easily in battle without any effort, how powerful would it be?
The master who stole this cave was also blind, taking the treasure and forgetting to take away the real good stuff.
Just leave it at that. He left the cave with the drawings and began to become famous in the world, competing with others everywhere. If the opponent loses, you must teach him his skills. Just like that, rumors of a short master began to spread in the world. Later, the cave master of Xuantian Cave returned to the cave and opened the door to establish a sect. This sect still has only a few disciples, because the master of Xuantian Cave himself is lazy and unwilling to teach people every day.
And this cave is Xuantian Cave, so he is called the Cave Master of Xuantian Cave.
Therefore, the skill of this senior Earth Immortal lies entirely in formations. After being deployed, various immortal formations will appear.
A group of big demons still wanted to resist, but they couldn’t stand it in front of the Xuantian Cave Master. There were more and more corpses of the big demons on the ground, and it seemed that they had already killed the last few. At this moment, the door of the cave opened slowly, and the few remaining demons who saw Hope rushed towards the door of the cave regardless of risk.
But how could they escape? As soon as he rushed to the entrance of the cave, an immortal formation appeared behind him. As soon as the cave master of Xuantian Cave cast a spell, these few people died under the formation on the spot.
I turned around and saw Nagisa Yu standing at the door of the cave.
/“Sheep demon, you are so brave!” Zhuyou shouted angrily at the old goat demon.
The old sheep demon smiled, walked up to Zhuyou and said, “You have also seen that the people who killed them are all human masters and it has nothing to do with me. You have no evidence to say that I did it.” ”
You killed your own

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