magic circle with the entrails of nine dead people and filling it with broken bones, nails, hair and the like. An evil spell that can forever block the perception of Yinsi ghosts, allowing them to live safely in the world of the world.”

magic circle with the entrails of nine dead people and filling it with broken bones, nails, hair and the like. An evil spell that can forever block the perception of Yinsi ghosts, allowing them to live safely in the world of the world.”

magic circle with the entrails of nine dead people and filling it with broken bones, nails, hair and the like. An evil spell that can forever block the perception of Yinsi ghosts, allowing them to live safely in the world of the world.”
After saying so many words in one breath, Yugui had to bend down and take a deep breath.
“Is this magic really effective?”
I asked.
“I don’t know. I haven’t tried it. In fact, I wanted to curry favor with this Brahma ghost at first. It has more resentment than me and is more ruthless than me. And if it succeeds in setting up this evil spell, I can also take advantage of it. Now it doesn’t dare to kill people at will, because if it makes too much noise, it will definitely attract the attention of the ghosts. But when this evil spell takes shape, this place will immediately become a terrifying ghost land, and everyone here will die. It’s useless to send people from above to investigate. We can easily get rid of it by taking advantage of the living people. ”
This is the real purpose of the Fanluo ghost. It’s not just for revenge, but also to transform this place. Become your own base.
“Then is there any way to summon ghosts from the underworld? Also, do you know any magic weapon that can fight against Brahma ghosts?”
I continued to ask.
/“There are many magical weapons that can deal with Brahma ghosts, but they all require those who are capable and profound. You are definitely not good at it. As for the method of summoning Yinsi ghosts, I can’t tell you.”
It said while shaking its head.
“If you don’t tell me, I will kill you now.”
I grabbed it by the neck and shouted sternly.
“It’s not that I won’t tell you, but if you summon the ghosts from the underworld, it won’t do me any good. I will also be taken back to the underworld by the ghosts, and I may be severely punished by the judge, Prince Yama. You kill me It’s a pleasure. I’m not willing to be tortured in the underworld!”
Seeing that it didn’t seem to be lying, I thought about it and said, “Is there any way I can send you away from here?”
“The reason why I stay here? , on the one hand it is to curry favor with the Brahma ghosts, but on the other hand it is because my bones are also here. I was a female worker here during my lifetime, but my body was not completely cremated and buried in the soil after my death. If you can put my body Dig it out and send it outside, or simply burn my body on fire. If you can do this, I can consider telling you how to summon the ghost! It’s useless. You can’t imagine what it’s like to be tortured in the underworld. It’s not just the so-called mountains of swords and seas of fire that you imagine in the underworld. There are also many tortures that are countless times more severe than those. People who have never been to the underworld will never be able to imagine it. How beautiful the world is, but how terrible the underworld is.”
After Yu Gui finished speaking, he completely shut up and stopped talking. I grabbed the Motan Cult coin and basically understood everything

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