at hitting moving targets. Moreover, the wind is very strong at the moment and the humidity by the river is relatively high. These are all factors that affect the sight. But the key reason is still no light!

at hitting moving targets. Moreover, the wind is very strong at the moment and the humidity by the river is relatively high. These are all factors that affect the sight. But the key reason is still no light!

I slowly took out the flashlight from my waist, trying to find a way to create some opportunities for the fat man. If you can shine the flashlight on the shadow. That fat man will definitely hit with this shot! But at the same time, my position will be exposed. This is definitely a dangerous attempt, but if done well, it will definitely have miraculous results!
/I raised my flashlight and pointed it at the shadow. The fat man didn’t fire for a long time, he must be waiting for my support. I can’t think about it any more! I suddenly turned on the flashlight and shined it. The flashlight projected a bright light, which suddenly shone on the black shadow.
The black shadow that was tearing apart the gray wolf immediately felt something and turned around. At the moment when the family looked back, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet hit the black shadow.
/“Good marksmanship!”
I turned off the flashlight and shouted, while getting up and moving quickly. The black shadow did not suffer much damage after being hit, but it was angered by it. This guy was already very angry when he failed to get what he wanted from the gray wolf’s belly, and now he was even more angry when he was shot again. He raised his head and roared into the darkness, but as soon as his voice fell, another shot was fired, and it still hit him accurately!
For a good sharpshooter, as long as the location of the prey is discovered, unless the opponent moves in a large area, he will be able to catch the prey’s whereabouts. This is a kind of prediction, but ordinary people will find it miraculous.
After being shot twice, the black shadow monster completely exploded. Turning around and running wildly into the darkness, I circled up from behind, and my target was the gray wolf!
The third shot sounded at this moment, but it missed the black shadow monster, but hit the ground next to the black shadow monster. Hearing the sound of the gunshot, the shadow monster suddenly turned its head. The fat man’s shot was more to confuse the monster’s sight and hearing, to find a way to lure it away without revealing his position, and at the same time to create more space for me. .
At this moment, I have touched it. I am very courageous and not afraid of death. In fact, if I think about it carefully, I will be bitten by this monster. Even if he doesn’t die, he will definitely end up with the same yin energy as Luo Qiong, which is equivalent to being sentenced to death.
There are some things that may scare you when you think about them, but when you do them, you just act on impulse! I bent down and tiptoed to the gray wolf. Lying in a pool of blood, it was breathing desperately, and every time its chest trembled, it took away some of its strength.
Death is already very close to it.
The wolf spits blood from its mouth. It is waiting for death, but this pr

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