

Countless dazzling spells tore the air apart and exploded on the undead knight’s head. Even with the astonishing hardness and terrifying magic resistance of the undead knight’s skull, the endless torrent of spells washed down, and ” There was a crisp sound of “click, click, click” until the last spell fell, finally flying away a piece of white bone fragments. At this time, you can find that a small and imperceptible crack has appeared on the head of the undead knight.
Generally speaking, undead creatures have They are very difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to kill them. If the injuries on this undead knight were placed on any monster of the same level, they would have been seriously injured.
/Even if the undead creatures lose some limbs, it will only cause difficulty in movement, so destroying their soul fire is the fastest way to fight.
However, advanced undead creatures like the Undead Knight basically have a certain degree of wisdom and have recovered part of their memories of their lives, so they naturally know how to protect their soul fire.
The undead knight let out a low roar, and the two balls of phosphorus fire in his eye sockets were beating violently as if they had been stimulated. From a distance, they looked like crazy burning flames. The moment his head turned to Lin Yun, the phosphorus fire under his crotch The nightmare accelerated in vain, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Lin Yun.
Every step the crazy undead knight stepped on the ground caused the ground within a radius of several meters to tremble slightly.
Moreover, the speed of the undead knight is simply terrifying, and there is a constant “pop” sound of tearing the air.
The formation of undead creatures is actually a very complicated process. Undead creatures like corpse witches are very rare in the world of Northrend. Only mages with a title of sorcerer level have the opportunity to transform into corpse witches after death, and several Ragulin, the undead knight he met when he was a child, was a sword master during his lifetime, so after being transformed into an undead creature, he was directly a high-level undead knight.
In fact, the power of undead creatures is determined by their strength in life.
/Just like Bells, who was a heaven-level mage during his lifetime, after death, his body is transformed into an undead creature, and his strength will be extremely powerful. Therefore, when he was on the eighth level, the three-eyed hidden wolf of the heaven level also kindly reminded him that when he reached the second level Don’t provoke it
. “Answer my question quickly, has Ragulin been killed by you?” The two balls of phosphorus fire beat violently, and the corpse witch made a sharp voice. As he spoke, wisps of black mist poured into the corpse witch. This is the terrifying thing about high-level undead creatures. They can absorb the power of death, and every time they absorb it, their power will increase by one point: “Humans, you are so brave, you dare to trespass on the resting place of His

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