ne outside told me the rules inside. I just thought that the stone door was not blocking me, so I opened the stone door and went in. As soon as I entered, I found that the third floor of the pagoda was very empty. It was not that the area had become larger, but that there were not many good things on the entire third floor. It was not filled with various treasures like the first two floors. Treasures such as spiritual talismans. On the contrary, the entire third floor of the pagoda looks a bit like a dojo where someone practices. In the center of the third floor is a large bed. The appearance of this big bed is similar to the carved big bed I saw in martial arts movies, but the surroundings of this big bed are covered with black gauze. There are no windows here, so there is no wind, and the light is very dark. The only thing left was a small lamp on the stone table.

ne outside told me the rules inside. I just thought that the stone door was not blocking me, so I opened the stone door and went in. As soon as I entered, I found that the third floor of the pagoda was very empty. It was not that the area had become larger, but that there were not many good things on the entire third floor. It was not filled with various treasures like the first two floors. Treasures such as spiritual talismans. On the contrary, the entire third floor of the pagoda looks a bit like a dojo where someone practices. In the center of the third floor is a large bed. The appearance of this big bed is similar to the carved big bed I saw in martial arts movies, but the surroundings of this big bed are covered with black gauze. There are no windows here, so there is no wind, and the light is very dark. The only thing left was a small lamp on the stone table.

ne outside told me the rules inside. I just thought that the stone door was not blocking me, so I opened the stone door and went in. As soon as I entered, I found that the third floor of the pagoda was very empty. It was not that the area had become larger, but that there were not many good things on the entire third floor. It was not filled with various treasures like the first two floors. Treasures such as spiritual talismans. On the contrary, the entire third floor of the pagoda looks a bit like a dojo where someone practices. In the center of the third floor is a large bed. The appearance of this big bed is similar to the carved big bed I saw in martial arts movies, but the surroundings of this big bed are covered with black gauze. There are no windows here, so there is no wind, and the light is very dark. The only thing left was a small lamp on the stone table.
The entire third floor gave me a weird and spooky feeling. I felt something was wrong at the time, and I retreated, thinking: There might be some unclean things hidden in here. But before I could turn around and exit the secret room, there was sudden movement from the big bed. At this moment, my whole heart was lifted, and my eyes were looking straight in the direction of the big bed surrounded by black gauze.
There must be something above the big bed. The entire third floor felt very wrong to me. It didn’t look like a treasure house but more like a cave for other people’s cultivation. And there was a bed placed in the middle for no reason. I didn’t think this bed would be a treasure.
The movement in the black gauze rang for a few times and then became quiet. I had already retreated to the side of the stone door. Logically speaking, I could just push open the stone door and go out, and I wouldn’t suffer any consequences. But at this moment, I actually became curious about what was on the big bed. I thought that I was not bad at it, and the stone door was behind me. I’ll stay here to see what’s under the black veil. If it’s really a monster that I can’t defeat, I’ll open the stone door and run away. Besides, I don’t think the Ashiya family can hide any monsters that can defeat me.
Now that a decision has been made. I won’t leave at all. He pressed Shimen with one hand and looked in the direction of the big bed with all his attention. There was movement on the bed for a while and then it became quiet, but after a while the movement became louder again. I really couldn’t see clearly what was going on inside through this layer of black gauze, so I started to pump up the energy in my body. He took a deep breath and blew out in the direction of the black gauze. This breath was not very strong, but it turned into a breeze and slowly blew the soft black gauze. At this moment, I saw a figure sitting behind the black veil. The figure was wearing the hunting robe of an ancient Japanese palace official, but I don’t know if it was because of the poor lighting. The hunting robe I saw was black but the man’s face was not visible.
/He leaned against the bedra

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