d after that accident.

d after that accident.

d after that accident.
He took part of the compensation and left home secretly by himself. Wandering outside. Life was very difficult at the beginning. Even though Fatty Jin weighs over two hundred pounds now, during the first few years of his career, he was only ninety pounds at his lightest. A man of about 1.8 meters was so thin that he only weighed 90 pounds. You can imagine what he looked like at that time. He could be blown over by the wind. The real opportunity for him to make a fortune began when he was transporting goods to Xi’an. On the way, one of them learned some Feng Shui secrets. He spotted a place that said there was an ancient tomb, and he said he could go down there and dig around, maybe he could get something valuable out of it.
/Everyone else knows that tomb robbing is illegal. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the country has been very tight on tomb robbing. A large number of tomb robbing guys have been arrested and sentenced to prison terms. In particularly serious cases, some have even been shot. Therefore, none of the people traveling with him dared to do it. One person cannot rob a tomb. Just when this person gave up the idea, Fatty Jin actually felt determined and was willing to help.
Now, these two people, plus a person who later joined the gang, went to rob the tomb, but they never thought they would succeed. A lot of treasures were dug out, and Fatty Jin made his first pot of gold after dividing his share. Fatty Jin, who had tasted the sweetness, started to think about robbing tombs to make a fortune. He took the first pot of gold and found a few fellow villagers in Shanxi, hoping to wander around Shanxi and make another fortune. But what I didn’t expect was that the second tomb robbery failed. Because I didn’t know the techniques of tomb robbing, I just knew how to do it recklessly. As a result, the noise was too big and the local people reported it. After Fatty Jin was arrested, he was young because he was young at the time and had no criminal record. Therefore, the sentence was very light, and he was released after less than a year in the cell.
/I thought that after being in jail and having no money, I was at the end of my rope and it was time to stop, but Fatty Jin was not such a person. In prison, he met a big brother who took good care of him. This big brother believed in him and told him that he had hidden a sum of money in his hometown. Let him find the money and remit it to his wife and children. Fatty Jin can keep 10% of it as his commission. Fatty Jin was also kind and righteous at the time. After all, he took good care of him in prison, so he went to find the money according to the other party’s request. He actually found a large amount, and then went to transfer the money, but as soon as he transferred the money, he discovered that this prison Big Brother’s wife and children were burned to death in a fire many years ago. He came back and told the matter to his big brother in prison. The other man was sentenced to life imprisonment for gang crimes and

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