of mountains and seas, no less than Hou Tu in my heaven and earth, so how can anything happen?”

of mountains and seas, no less than Hou Tu in my heaven and earth, so how can anything happen?”

of mountains and seas, no less than Hou Tu in my heaven and earth, so how can anything happen?”
Lu Ya said sternly, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.
/“Houtu is the second emperor of our world and cannot escape death. Could it be that the craftsman who sneaked into the mountains and seas of the four continents and reincarnated is as high as Houtu?”
Zhou Jijun interjected. After his words fell, he felt that the atmosphere in the palace had become a bit tense. Get weird. Taoist Lu Ya frowned, Zhen Yuanzi looked worried, and even the Jade Emperor looked solemn. The four major continents have sneaked into the reincarnation of mountains and seas. So far, Zhou Jijun only knows one person, Hongyun, who incarnates as Zhu Rong.
In the reincarnation of mountains and seas, is there anyone with a higher status and stronger strength than Zhu Rong? Zhu Rong is already the deputy god of Tiandong, and further up… Could it be…
Thinking of this, Zhou Jijun couldn’t help but look at Yue Luosha in confusion, and saw him sighing quietly and whispering.
“Xiao Junjun, before I went to Shanhai, I never thought that one of the heads of the Heavenly Emperor Family was from one of my four major continents.”
Zhou Jijun asked anxiously, his heart pounding.
“Who is that person?”
“Emperor Jun, a hero from ancient times in our heaven and earth.”
Yue Luosha said in a deep voice, actually putting away his usual cynical expression, and a hint of admiration appeared on his face.
“It’s him.”
Zhou Jijun’s heart moved, and another figure appeared in his mind.
The era of Donghuang Taiyi is too far away now. At that time, the two clans of heaven, earth, and heaven, humans and demons, fought separately. The Jade Emperor had not yet emerged, and the Pingtian Lord Sage had not yet emerged. Although there were saints, they were still the five major warlords. This Emperor Jun should be a figure from the same period as Lu Ya and Zhen Yuanzi, but for some unknown reason, he sneaked into the reincarnation of mountains and seas as a craftsman, and actually became a family of Heavenly Emperors. He must have experienced countless dangerous things.
Zhou Jijun was filled with emotion, then he heard Lu Ya hiss and asked after a while.
“Master Yue, has his identity been discovered?”
“Half a month ago, Emperor Yan joined forces with Emperor Huang to lead the children of the aristocratic families and the Tianxi army to conquer Emperor Jun.”
“Taoist should have thought of it earlier.”
Hearing this, Lu Ya sighed and looked around. Looking at the gray sky outside the hall, his eyes flickered.
Yue Luosha suddenly smiled and said faintly.
“In addition to Di Jun and Zhu Rong, there is another agent in Shanhaisan Samsara. His identity is extremely secret, and I’m afraid you don’t know it.” If the
national war breaks out, pre-war intelligence will become particularly important. As the days of the war continue to approach, no matter what The sky, earth, sky, mountains and seas have all begun to quietly eliminate those en

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