tent above is actually a map of Wright and Wyton counties. Even some important resources are marked with the code words of the Koslow family.

tent above is actually a map of Wright and Wyton counties. Even some important resources are marked with the code words of the Koslow family.

“Don’t be surprised, nobles with profound knowledge of these things will have them. Although the Koslow family is not a big family, it has been passed down for thousands of years.
What’s more, the family also has roots in Wright and Wyton. It’s a pity that two unlucky guys, Garrett and Weber, actually lost their lives in this war.
Fortunately, they all had sons outside, so they were not spoiled by the rebels, and they finally managed to keep their inheritance.
/Adrian and his son have worked for the Dalton family for two generations and have accumulated a lot of credit. If no accidents occur, there is a high probability that they will be able to get a fiefdom this time.
I just don’t know what’s going on with Lester and Crohn. If they can also obtain a fief, the family’s future voice in the two counties will be guaranteed. ”
After listening to Baron Redman’s words, Hudson suddenly realized that his family seemed to be the big winner in this war.
“Don’t worry, father. Knight Adrian is in good condition and is looking after the gate for Earl Pierce. I visited him yesterday.
As for the Knight of Leicester and Baron Crohn, I even met them at the banquet that just ended. It’s just that they have been very busy recently. Whether they can get what they want depends on the next activities. ”
He said it lightly, but in his heart, Hudson was not optimistic about their plan. There is no way, the Koslow family has gained too much from this war.
If you are awarded a knighthood based on your military exploits, even if someone is unhappy, it is difficult to stop them due to the rules of the game.
Unfortunately, they were not very lucky and did not gain enough military exploits. We can only avoid the idea of ​​​​exterminating relatives. There are so many people with inheritance rights. This is a confusing account.
If Adrian Knight doesn’t get the fief, maybe they have a chance. Just listening to what Baron Redman said, Adrian’s father’s generation had been with the Dalton family. There was no merit but hard work, so there was no reason not to be given a fief.
Maybe they can’t accomplish anything, but they definitely have the ability to do bad things.
After spreading out the map in his hand and scanning it roughly, Hudson quickly identified a dozen targets.
Either it is located on a traffic thoroughfare, or the land is fertile, or the family has a mine, all of them are prosperous places. If you take any one of them, you will gain blood.
“We can only try hard. There are a lot of forces eyeing the two counties now. Not only the nobles of the southeastern provinces, but also big forces from the royal capital and other regions.
Especially the nobles in the North, if they have the opportunity to go south, they will not give up. The most important thing is that they have no shortage of military exploits in their hands, which invisibly increases their voice.
/If we want to c

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