g appearance of his companions.

g appearance of his companions.

The pirate leader’s legs began to shake uncontrollably, and his instinct was to turn around and run out of the cabin.
At this moment, he saw a long shadow that looked like a stick rushing from the side wall and struck him.
The shadow disappeared in a flash and soon disappeared, like an unreal nightmare.
The pirate leader took a moment before subconsciously raising his hand and trying to block, which of course had no effect.
Then, he checked his own condition in a panic and panic, but found nothing unusual.
“It’s okay, it’s okay…” The pirate leader couldn’t help but exhale.
Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a slightly vague voice:
“so far so good……”
The sound seemed to come from within his body!
The pirate leader’s pupils were dilated to the extreme, and his hands lifted up his clothes uncontrollably.
He immediately saw three gaps between his chest and abdomen, one large and two small.
/Inside the big one, there are two neat rows of white teeth, and in the center of the small one, there are two flexibly rolling eyes.
It’s a mouth and two eyes!
The pirate leader has an extra mouth and two eyes on his chest and abdomen!
A scream erupted on the ship, carrying an indescribable and extremely intense fear.
Within the next quarter of an hour, some pirates went crazy and hacked and killed their companions. Some successfully escaped back to their own ships, only to find that the people on them had also become deformed, so they jumped into the sea in despair.
When everything calmed down, only a dozen relatively normal pirates were left slumped on the deck, hiding in the room, surrounded by a stench.
After a while, passengers walked out of the cabin one after another, no one missing.
They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, or thanked the gods, or stood there in confusion.
In the early morning, Klein got up and started washing.
As soon as he changed his clothes with the help of his valet Enuni, he saw the butler Walter, who had returned from leave, walking to the door and saying:
“Sir, Bishop Electra is here to visit.”
“…Tell him to wait for me in the living room where he can enjoy cigars.” Klein was stunned for a moment and said.
He suspected that this was a belated response from the goddess.
Walter immediately turned around and went downstairs to make arrangements. Not long after, he came back and said:
“Sir, Bishop Elektra has already said goodbye and left. He asked me to tell you that you must go to St. Samuel’s Church this morning. He said that the church and the government will jointly hold an air defense drill.”
“Air defense drill?” Klein’s brows furrowed little by little.
At this moment, he was suddenly struck by inspiration, turned around suddenly, and looked out the window.
In the sky where the clouds were not too thin, airships painted in dark brown were approaching densely.
These airships are painted with diagonal stripes of red, white, and yellow logos. This is Fusac’s flag!
Seeing this scene, Klein suddenly unders

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