side Islands, and took a boat to a secret place.

side Islands, and took a boat to a secret place.

There, he saw the priest next to him and was arranged to enter an ancient coffin. He lay down in a liquid mixed with extraordinary materials and strange plasma, allowing them to seep into him little by little.
After more than a month of erosion, a deep red “silkworm chrysalis” formed in his body, and then the memory of this period was “locked” and sent to Xibailang, and a psychological hint was planted that he could not leave before recovering his memory. .
In other words, the mission given to him by the demigod has not been completed, it is in progress, and it was just preliminary preparations.
As the scenes flashed one by one, Anderson found himself playing the harmonica on the street, checking into a hotel with Daniz, finding the missionary of the Church of Knowledge to obtain the “Language Understanding” charm, and coming to Uttar Pradesh. Throughout the process until today, he was surrounded by people. There is this priest who looks kind and simple.
When dining, it was him who sat at the next table. When he checked in, he was sleeping in the room next to him. When walking along the street, he was walking side by side. When he played the harmonica and performed a puppet show, he was the one who looked at him gently from across the street.
/And all of this, Anderson didn’t pay attention to at all at the time. Daniz next to him and other people around him didn’t pay attention, as if they had never seen this priest before.
A chill from the depths of his heart rose from his tailbone and rushed straight into Anderson’s mind, making him feel that just thinking about the experience during this period of time made him go crazy and out of control.
Danitz, who had distanced himself from Anderson, looked at Inszangwill, who was wearing a black clerical robe, and then at the simple priest who was praying with his eyes closed. He quickly lowered his head and spoke in ancient Hermes. Recited in a low voice:
/“A fool who is not of this age;
“The mysterious master above the gray fog;
“The King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck”
Many days ago, he had received an oracle from Mr. Fool, asking him to pretend to do things, but actually hide around Anderson, and pray immediately when the situation was abnormal.
Although he didn’t know what would happen or who he would encounter, Daniz, who had always cherished life, decided to follow the instructions without compromise, even if the abnormality that appeared was probably just that he was thinking too much.
For this reason, he specially put on the gloves made of the extraordinary properties left behind by Grossel to ensure that he would act first and think later in similar situations without wasting any time.
At this time, Inszangwill’s steps stopped, and the priest wearing a simple white robe and a silver cross pendant was reflected in his eyes that were either dark blue or almost black, or filled with blood vessels.
In his mind, an angry voice came out from his mouth:
Son of the Creator, King of Angels,

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