hidden being deep in the church was not too late to prevent him and the Hanged Man from escaping, but it just had a deeper purpose.

hidden being deep in the church was not too late to prevent him and the Hanged Man from escaping, but it just had a deeper purpose.

If he hadn’t passed through the gray fog and accepted the “anti-virus”, Klein would have suspected that there were hidden marks left by the other party on his body.
Glancing at the items placed on the table, Klein first turned over the “Tyrant” card and placed it next to the “Black Emperor” card, and then thought about what to do with the remaining loot.
It was an extraordinary characteristic belonging to the Sequence 5 Druid of the Cultivator pathway. He had already had the preliminary idea of ??selling it to Frank Lee through Cattleya the Hermit.
“But the question is, will this be a step to accelerate the destruction of the world?” Klein laughed at himself, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.
/For a dangerous guy like Frank Lee to be promoted to Sequence 5, the Cows, Fishes, Seas, and Bishop Rose will be very scared. No one knows what experiments this guy who is no better than a madman can complete and create with more powerful abilities. Exotic varieties.
If he sows himself and harvests a bunch of Franks, then the world will be really dangerous. Klein let out a silent sigh and finally decided to leave this problem to the “Star Admiral” to worry about.
Anyway, I just sell the extraordinary characteristics of “Druid” normally. Whether Ms. “Hermit” wants to buy it or not is her problem. Moreover, it is just a Sequence 5. I believe she has the support of “Queen of Mystery” and Moss Ascetic Society. It can definitely be taken care of. Besides, the “Mother Goddess of the Earth” Church also has a bunch of saints, angels, “0” level sealed objects, and true gods, so it won’t be unable to handle related matters. While comforting himself, Klein Attention was paid to the extraordinary properties of the “Chaos Master” and the “Ocean Singer”.
For the latter, his initial idea was to make it into a magical item, but he didn’t know whether the “craftsman” known by “The Hanged Man” was capable. As for the former, he planned to sell it.
Although this can also be made into an item, it has some overlap with the “Corrupted Baron” in the gloves. Moreover, Klein also began to realize that the more magical items you bring, the better. When certain negative effects are added up, it will really Damn it, with “Creeping Hunger” and “Lemanno’s Travel Notes” available for rent, he thinks it’s better to be more concise most of the time:
/Under normal circumstances, “Creeping Hunger” paired with “Death Knell” revolver and more purification bullets are enough to cope with it.
When encountering a sea battle or an air battle, there is one more magical item made by “Ocean Singer”. When the situation is complicated, rent “Lemanno’s Travel Notes” if you have the opportunity. If you don’t have the chance, use Grossel’s Travel Notes to block it. , and throws the “Luck Stealer” charm.
And this does not include the extraordinary ability itself, the “Wraith Soul” marionette, and the inconvenient “Poseidon Scepter

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