d his clothes, and opened the heavy wooden door.

d his clothes, and opened the heavy wooden door.

Eyes glanced at his face subconsciously. First, they moved away naturally without any abnormality. Then, someone shouted in a low voice:
“Gehrman Sparrow”
The floor cleared, and multiple figures in the bar quickly ran towards the back door. Before Klein could even react to what was going on, the place became quite deserted.
Looking at the bar, which was so quiet that he could hear the breathing of some people, Klein was stunned for two seconds before stepping in. He walked directly to the bar as if nothing happened.
/I’ll have to look differently next time I come here, he thought to himself angrily, and had to reach out to cover his face.
Before, Okefa didn’t know that Gehrman Sparrow had successfully hunted “The Slaughterer” Gilcias, which made Klein think that his latest situation had not yet reached the “City of Generosity”, so he came there with confidence and boldness. When we arrived at the “Seaweed Bar”, we didn’t know that the problem was that Oakfa was far away from the circle of adventurers, and the news was lagging behind. The reputation of the crazy adventurer had actually spread among the pirates near the Rhoside Islands.
/With a silent sigh, Klein sat in front of the bar and knocked on the boardwalk:
“1 glass of Southwell beer.”
“Six pence.” The bartender swallowed hard.
Klein took out a few copper pennies and placed them in front of him, and asked without any change in his expression:
“What’s going on recently?”
The bartender accepted the penny and carefully delivered the beer to Gehrman Sparrow. Then he forced a smile and said:
“Admiral Amyrius Levitt was transferred back to Backlund, and Admiral Robert Davis took his place and became the kingdom’s supreme naval commander in this area. The situation in the entire archipelago is a bit tense, and there are many pirates. The regiment sent people to inquire about the news.”
Admiral Amilius was eventually involved by his younger brother and lost his current position. However, as long as he was not directly involved, as a demigod, nothing worse would happen. At least the admiral’s salary could be kept. There will be no problems with the family. When things calm down, there may be a chance to continue to serve as a high-ranking member of the Navy. Klein took a sip of beer and asked casually:
“Which family does Robert Davis belong to?”
“No, he is not from a noble background. He is one of the few people who has stepped from the bottom of the army to the position of admiral. He has achieved countless meritorious service in the Raging Sea, Sunia Island, and East Balam.” The bartender recalled the recent praise for General Robert Davis in the newspaper, paused, and said, “But I heard that he is sponsored by many nobles.”
Well, in the current Royal Navy, generals who are from the royal family, nobility, or have close connections with the royal family or nobility account for at least 80%, and the remaining 20 are basically concentrated at the level of brigadier general and rear admiral. Klein has long

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