d out its pulp, leaving only the solid The shell is then stuffed with mashed lamb and fish, served with sea salt and several spices, and roasted repeatedly on the fire. The meat is delicious and fragrant, and is perfectly blended with the sweet and slightly sour fruit.

d out its pulp, leaving only the solid The shell is then stuffed with mashed lamb and fish, served with sea salt and several spices, and roasted repeatedly on the fire. The meat is delicious and fragrant, and is perfectly blended with the sweet and slightly sour fruit.

After closing the door, Klein first wrote a letter to thank Mr. Azik for his previous guidance, and then asked again about how to have his own messenger.
After folding the letter, he took out the copper whistle and summoned the messenger.
The messenger didn’t stop, he took away the letter and disintegrated it on the spot.
Hu Klein rested for a moment and prepared to enter above the gray fog to see if the prayers of those believers could bring him any useful information, such as a real person he could play.
Above the gray mist, in a palace that looks like a giant’s residence.
Klein sat in the Fool’s position and raised his right hand, causing the “Poseidon’s Scepter” hidden in the pile of debris to fly out and fall into his palm.
/He originally planned to place this “1”-level sealed object next to the seat. This was a sign of respect for the demigod-level item. However, after careful consideration, he believed that the “Poseidon Scepter” was still somewhat incompatible with the mystery. The “Fool”, who was powerful and could fight against evil gods such as the “True Creator” and “Original Witch”, was barely qualified at the “Card of Blasphemy” level, so he still threw the “Poseidon Scepter” into the trash.
Looking at the dots of green surrounding the short bone staff, Klein had an idea and came up with the idea of ??preliminary dividing them.
Just as he expected, those green-blue light spots completed the differentiation according to his will. They simply praised the “God of the Sea” and sank to the bottom with a few prayers. The speed of disappearance accelerated accordingly. Those involving confession and prayer floated upward. Closer to Klein’s palm.
Following his spiritual intuition, he “clicked” on one of the latter.
Suddenly, he saw the high waves and heard the violent howling wind.
/An offshore fishing boat rises and falls in the undulating deep blue, swinging up and down, and may capsize at any time.
On the fishing boat, there were obviously local indigenous people clinging to the mast or pulling on the rope, making their last effort. Many of them recited the name of the “Poseidon” in panic.
Klein realized that this was an ongoing prayer, so he raised the milky white scepter.
On the top of the scepter, the blue “gems” bloomed one after another with a halo of light, connecting into one piece and illuminating the scene.
The fishermen were gradually despairing, and suddenly they felt like they were being stabilized by the boat that was being thrown away.
They looked around in astonishment, only to see that the mountain-like waves had become calmer at some point, and the strong wind raging on the sea became gentler and gentler, as gentle as the taste of Zarha beer.
The overlapping dark clouds in the mid-air dissipated, and before a s

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