ed him to talk to the former exploration team leader, Derrick came to the corresponding metal wall, bent his fingers, and knocked hard.

ed him to talk to the former exploration team leader, Derrick came to the corresponding metal wall, bent his fingers, and knocked hard.

Benedict, Benedict
He completed the code, but there was no response for a long time.
Falling asleep or being taken to the six-person council, Derrick looked at the matte metal wall and thought doubtfully.
At this time, an old and erratic voice suddenly came from the bed behind him:
“Are you looking for me?”
“Are you looking for me?”
/As soon as the sound entered his ears, Derrick froze immediately, his skin tightened, and every hair on his body stood up.
Why is he behind me?
Why did he appear in my room?
Where is the seal?
What about the effect of that magical item?
Derrick’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he subconsciously turned to look back.
But his instinct prevented him from doing so.
This originated from the teachings of the “Monster Knowledge” class in Silver City and some weird scenes he experienced after joining the patrol:
When someone talks behind your back, don’t turn around in a hurry
Derrick raised his hands, clenched them into fists in front of his chest, and then, on high alert, slowly and half-turned his body bit by bit.
There was a deep darkness in the room, making it impossible for anyone to see anything. However, in Derrick’s two eyes, a little golden light expanded, turning into two miniature suns.
With the help of this “Light Prayer”‘s ability, he saw a black shadow sitting quietly on the edge of his bed.
The black shadow quickly became clear, revealing a head that had been split vertically.
In the middle of the head, two gray-white brains squirmed as if alive, trying to get closer to each other but unable to do anything.
On the sectioned surface of the brain, the viscous liquid hung down into thin threads, but shrank upward like maggots.
The eyes on each side are far apart, the bridge of the nose is separated in the middle, and the blood is bright.
The left half of the mouth was open, but the right half was tightly closed.
This terrifying monster was naked, with dark red wounds all over it.
The countless wounds opened ferociously, revealing rows of white teeth. They said the same sentence in no particular order:
“Are you looking for me?”
It paused, and the corners of its mouth and the edges of the wound turned up:
“Look, am I normal?”
Derrick’s pupils suddenly shrank, and without thinking, he raised his hands, which were clenched into fists, and placed them on his chin, as if praying.
The small room suddenly became brighter, and a pure beam of light entwined with flames dropped from the roof and hit the monster.
This beam is not as brilliant as when Derrick used it outside the round tower, because the seal here and the magical items here isolate the inside and outside.
But at this moment, Derrick was shocked to see that the sacred beam of light he had prayed for suddenly became thicker, so bright that he couldn’t help but want to close his eyes.
Vaguely, in that majestic pillar of light, something purer and thicker se

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