body, Klein took out Dr. Allen’s leather wallet with his last curiosity, and took out the paper crane from it.

body, Klein took out Dr. Allen’s leather wallet with his last curiosity, and took out the paper crane from it.

He placed the paper cranes on the head of his cane and held them at the same time. Then his eyes deepened and he whispered to himself:
“Where Will Asceptin Is Now.”
After repeating the divination sentence seven times, a breeze suddenly swirled in the room, bringing a coolness that was as cool as blowing on the soul.
Klein released his right palm, and the cane stood firmly at first, then fell down with the paper crane, pointing diagonally at the bed.
/“There.” Klein frowned slightly, changed his position, repeated the divination just now, and successfully received feedback.
The intersection of the two divination points is Dr. Allen
It’s a bit interesting that Will Auceptin’s position overlaps with that of Dr. Allen. Klein muttered to himself in amazement and amazement.
His curiosity suddenly rose to the extreme.
Although he had no intention of getting involved, he wanted to understand why the overlap occurred.
Well, take the Paper Crane above the gray fog and do some divination. With the gray fog blocking it, nothing unexpected will happen. Klein quickly came up with a new idea.
Since it was inconvenient to hold the ceremony of summoning himself in Dr. Allen’s bedroom, he decided to take the paper crane home first.
In this regard, he had actually been prepared before arriving. Klein was not sure of the seriousness of the matter, and had the idea of ????looking for Will Auceptin to see if he could get the deck of tarot cards. Therefore, he prepared in advance. I bought another paper crane, intending to use it to replace the original one to facilitate my various divination, and then exchange it back after the problem is solved.
As soon as he thought of it, Klein took out the paper crane he had prepared from his pocket.
He deliberately folded this above the gray mist in case Dr. Allen suddenly decided to hand over the items related to Will Ascetin to the Church of the Night Goddess, so that he who was a fake could be divined.
Being thorough and detailed in advance can indeed make things much easier. Klein praised himself.
Under the thin moonlight, he carefully compared Will Ascetin’s paper crane with the paper crane he folded to see if there was any obvious difference.
Upon seeing this, Klein suddenly fell silent.
His manual skills are not as good as a child’s
In fact, they are both paper cranes, so there is not much difference. Mine is a little rough at best. As long as Allen has not studied the original one repeatedly, he will definitely not be able to tell that it has been replaced. Klein silently autographed After saying a few words, he took out a coin and made the final confirmation through divination.
After receiving a positive revelation, he put the paper crane he folded into Allen’s wallet and returned it to its original position. He dealt with the scene himself, carrying Will Asceptin’s paper crane. Left 3 Burningham Road.
/Relying on the “Divination Staff Technique”, Klein successf

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