the bond market at any cost in an attempt to cause us to default on our debt.

the bond market at any cost in an attempt to cause us to default on our debt.

The Mossi people suspected that the Holy See was responsible. Although there was no solid evidence, they did have the motive to do something dirty.
Everyone, keep an eye on the Holy See. If they continue to cause trouble for us, we will be in big trouble. ”
Caesar IV said with a gloomy expression.
Now he finally understands why his father hates the Holy See so much. It’s all because of those guys who do nothing.
Other countries don’t want Alpha Kingdom to grow bigger, but they have their own moral bottom line. At most, he only added fuel to the flames from behind, instead of directly coming out to stab him.
Otherwise, all countries will collect debts together, and the Alpha Kingdom will go bankrupt before the bank run breaks out.
The crisis is still raging, and more and more creditors are demanding early payment due to panic.
Without any surprise, the public relations operation of Alpha Kingdom ended in failure.
The nobles in the country expressed their support one after another, but it was only in words. In actual actions, only Hudson actually went to buy bonds, and everyone else gave symbolic expressions.
Threats of throwing money away can indeed get rid of ordinary creditors, but for the Holy See who provoked this turmoil, they don’t care at all whether the bonds in their hands will become useless paper.
One by one, vests and trumpets acted as vanguards, and the creditors who were initially a little tempted once again joined the debt collection operation.
On the last day of 99991, the run finally broke out in full force, and the embassies of the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi were besieged.
The difference is that the creditors who besieged the Principality of Moxi finally reluctantly reached an agreement after rounds of negotiations.
The creditors who besieged the Alpha Kingdom were still in a stalemate, but their emotions were inevitably affected.
If someone hadn’t been instigating and exaggerating the risk of default, I’m afraid everyone would have chosen to compromise. After all, the annual bond interest is still being paid normally.
On the Holy Mountain, Pius VII was immediately furious after receiving the news!
/“Is this the result of your actions?
We spent huge sums of money and set off a wave of bank runs. Is this just a riot?
And what happened to the Principality of Moxi?
You keep saying that they will definitely default, so how come you reached an agreement with the creditors first and got out of the debt crisis?
/The almost roaring question made all the senior members of the Holy See bow their heads. Everyone likes to do work that costs public money.
This operation was jointly carried out by multiple departments of the Holy See. Precisely because there were so many people involved and many talents making money from it, it was inevitable that there would be some problems with the execution.
“Your Majesty, the funds we have are limited, and all of them are spent on suppressing the Alpha Kingdo

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