sides, so he only looked at his remaining team. The old man immediately ordered:

sides, so he only looked at his remaining team. The old man immediately ordered:

“Let’s go and join the team first!”
Hudson, who had just turned his horse’s head, saw that the enemy had already fled, and his expression suddenly became serious.
The big advantage just now was not due to the fierce combat effectiveness of our own cavalry, but mainly because of Bear Stearns’ secret help.
First he broke the opponent’s commander’s flag, and then he constantly plotted against the opponent’s cavalry, and then he achieved a brilliant record.
If the remaining more than a thousand cavalry were to join the other two thousand-man teams, the next battle would not be so easy.
With the enemy’s absolute numerical advantage, even if they can win, the losses will not be small.
At least in the previous round of hedging, dozens of cavalrymen fell off their horses, and now they don’t know whether they are alive or dead.
“The enemy has escaped!”
I don’t know who shouted such a voice, and the situation on the battlefield changed drastically in an instant.
The orc infantry who couldn’t find their own flag, only saw their own cavalry being chased and killed, and their shaky morale completely collapsed.
Facing the soldiers of all ethnic groups who were hurriedly fleeing for their lives, the supervising team seemed powerless.
In order to escape for their lives, the orcs directly aimed their knives at the intercepting supervising team, and forcibly cut a bloody path from the rear.
After being defeated like a mountain, the old man realized that the defeat was certain. After gathering his own cavalry, he did not bother to seek revenge from Hudson and ran away.
Unfortunately, their luck was not very good, and they happened to collide with the Mossi army who came to beat up the drowned dog.
Normally, when encountering so many cavalry charging towards them, even if they don’t drop their weapons and run away, they will tremble with fear.
/But this time it was different. The second generation who wanted to make contributions took the initiative and directly led the army and wolf cavalry to meet them.
The military formation is full of flaws, and the scene when encountering the wolf cavalry can be imagined. They were rushed into the formation in an instant and suffered heavy losses.
The heavy casualties did not deter the Mossi people.
The power of hatred and the desire to achieve great achievements made the second generation organize an army again to stand in front of the Wolf Cavalry.
After all, it is an army of tens of thousands of people. How can it be so easily penetrated when one’s own side has won a great victory?
After a short delay, Hudson’s team appeared behind them, and a battle of annihilation began.
/It is very dangerous to expose your back to the enemy. The Wolf Cavalry, eager to break through, made this mistake now.
After catching up, Hudson did not rush to lead a charge, but decisively chose to entertain them with a rain of arrows.
The Wolf Cavalry, whose back was exposed, became a living target, and screams broke ou

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