ed to be able to absorb other people’s souls.

ed to be able to absorb other people’s souls.

Normally, dark brown pupils can easily be seen as black. Without careful identification, it would be difficult for Klein to detect them.
“This is the manifestation of the power of the potion. Once you learn how to meditate and restrain yourself, your eyes will return to normal.” Old Neil smiled and extended his right hand, “Congratulations, the new Extraordinary, our diviner.”
/“Thank you.” Klein reached out and shook hands with the other party, “Mr. Neil, when can I learn meditation?”
Klein closed his eyes and once again pictured the half-height black silk top hat in his mind.
His attention seemed to be focused more easily than before. Soon, some distracting thoughts emerged and fell away, leaving only the outline of the top hat.
“Let your mind be a little empty, and then replace the sketched items with imaginary items that don’t exist in this world.”
“You must abide by this rule. Only in this way can you enter meditation, become one with the transcendent self, the infinite self, and the cosmic self little by little, gain insights and revelations of the truth, and obtain things that can only be understood by yourself. Knowledge, in the field of mysticism, is called secret experience.” Old Neil said in a soothing tone, “You only need to listen to the following description for now, the most important thing now is to enter meditation.”
Klein tried to replace the half-high black top hat with the earth-green, long and thick intercontinental ballistic missile he saw on TV.
However, no matter how he sketched or imagined, he always only made his attention more focused.
It seemed that this was not possible. Klein had to use his imagination and sketched a ball of light, and then sketched many similar things and brought them together.
The light balls overlapped and were full of fantasy. Klein’s thoughts gradually became empty and seemed to be wandering.
His body and mind both calmed down, and the illusory gray mist and mixed color blocks that were filled with non-existent objects and clear brilliance reappeared, quietly suspended in the sky, within reach.
The spirituality extended bit by bit, unfolding inch by inch. Klein looked down at it quietly, felt it, and restrained it.
“Very good, you are worthy of being a fortune teller. Entering meditation is very smooth, just a little bit worse than me before.” Old Neil laughed and said, “In this case, I will start to teach you the most commonly used and easiest to master in the mysterious field. Follow-up And the most promising ability, psychic vision.”
He turned off the gas lamps one by one, but opened the secret door of the alchemy room, making the place where Klein was extremely dark but not so dark that he couldn’t even see the outline of the object clearly.
“Okay, continue as you are now, raise your hands and put them in front of your eyes, with your index fingers facing each other, but not touching.”
“Keep your eyes open until you get used to the dark.”
According to Old Neil’s description, Klein completed it step b

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